Effexor & Alcohol: Female teacher found not criminally responsible for sex with male teen student

Paragraphs six through nine read:  “According to a statement of facts agreed upon by the Crown and defence, during the summer of 2008 Francoeur was mistakenly diagnosed with major depression and prescribed an anti-depressant drug known as Effexor. During the next few months, she underwent a radical change.” “Francoeur actually has bipolar disorder rather than…

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Doctor Murders his 9 Year Old Son: Oklahoma

Paul Wolf The 51-year-old is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a murder

What the affidavit states …
Here is a description
from a police affidavit of events Monday morning when police officer Michael
Puckett arrived at Dr. Stephen P. Wolf’s Nichols Hills home:

The officer
was dispatched at 3:52 a.m. Monday to the house of a neighbor who called police
after Mary Wolf banged on the neighbor’s front door. The officer heard screaming
from Wolf’s house and met Mary Wolf at the open front door. She told the
officer, “He’s killing my son. He’s killing my son.”

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PROZAC: Woman Develops Hypomania: Later Diagnosed as Bipolar as They All Are!

My first psychiatric diagnosis was major depression, and my first psychiatric medication was Prozac. It was prescribed by my GP, not by a psychiatrist. I had a one-week follow-up visit, and then I was turned loose. It takes hindsight to see that what I thought was “normal” behavior in response to Prozac was in fact at least mild hypomania. Someone even called me “the poster child for Prozac.” This was in 1994, and I wasn’t diagnosed with bipolar disorder until 1999, after another antidepressant did a similar thing.

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I Lost my Mother to Paxil

“Paxil has made our lives a nightmare.” Here is the sad story of our mother’s sad untimely death. My sister who was living with her was on Paxil. Both were on Paxil…my mother for OCD, and my sister for severe, major depression. She was in withdrawal, when the tragic event occurred. Neither had ever been…

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9/22/2000 – Exercise better than Zoloft.

Seems like exercise works better than SSRI’s! What a surprise. After 16 weeks, patients who exercised showed statistically significant and comparable improvement relative to those who took Zoloft, or those who took the Zoloft and exercised. Be sure to look at the wide disparity in the percentage on drugs who relapse into depression after eight…

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4/15/1993 • Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites in fluoxetine-treated patients with major depression and in healthy volunteers.

4/15/1993 • Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites in fluoxetine-treated patients with major depression and in healthy volunteers. De Bellis MD, Geracioti TD Jr, Altemus M, Kling MA Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, National Institute of Mental Health,National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Biol Psychiatry 1993 Apr 15-May 1; 33 (8-9); 636-41 CSF 5-HIAA and MHPG decreased significantly… following…

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