Additional Tylenol Warnings: Now linked to SEVERE Asthma

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A pair of studies suggests that the common painkiller acetaminophen — better known asTylenol in the U.S. — may be fueling a worldwide increase inasthma.

According to one study out Thursday, acetaminophen could be responsible for as many as four in 10 cases of wheezing and severe asthma in teens.

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1/11/2001 – More Self Harm Seen with SSRI Therapy Than With Tricyclics

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Dec 28 – Significantly more
instances of deliberate self-harm occur in patients prescribed a
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) than in those
prescribed a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). In their report in the
December issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, UK
investigators caution that the choice of antidepressant for
patients at risk should not be based solely on overdose toxicity.

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