LEXAPRO: Judge Experiences Antidepressant-Induced Hypomania

A doctor who is telling the truth about the hypomanic episode this judge experienced from his antidepressant?!!!!! How refreshing that the patient is getting the truth rather than being told he had an “underlying” Bipolar Disorder that was manifest by his antidepressant use!!!!! Why can’t other doctors be as honest and come right out and…

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4/18/2001 – Paxil Is Approved for Anxiety Disorder?!

WASHINGTON, April 16 (Bloomberg News) — Glaxo- SmithKline P.L.C. has won the
Food and Drug Administration’s approval to market its antidepressant Paxil
for treating general anxiety disorder, a new use for the drug.

That makes Paxil the first drug in its class to be approved for the
condition, which affects about 10 million Americans and involves excessive,
often debilitating worrying, the company said today.

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