MEDS: Brett Kavanaugh Attack by CA Suicidal Youth, What Will AG Do To End This?

This article should more accurately be titled “Armed SUICIDAL Man Arrested Near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland Home Came With Intent to Kill” Now anyone in one of our groups knows which so called “medications” can cause both “suicidal ideation” or “homicidal ideation” & often both together. And I would propose the term “ideation” would more…

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Lead researcher: Believing drugs aren’t dangerous for adults is “a potentially lethal misconception.” A review of the clinical trials of antidepressants taken by healthy adults with no signs of a mental health disorder has found these drugs used to treat the illness actually doubled the harms related to suicide and violence. Experts working on the study said…

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ANTIDEPRESSANT, PAIN KILLER & ALCOHOL: Soldier: Suicide Attempt: Iraq/Colorado

Paragraphs three through five read: “It did not work. He was prescribed a list of medications for anxiety, nightmares, depression, and headaches that made him feel listless and disoriented.” “His weekly session with a nurse case manager seemed inadequate to him. And noncommissioned officers ­ soldiers supervising the unit ­ harangued or disciplined him when…

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Medical examiner confirms death of 9-yr-old Colony, TX boy was

The Tarrant County medical examiner’s office ruled Thursday that a
9-year-old boy from The Colony committed suicide.

Montana Lance

The determination rules out speculation that Montana Lance’s death was
an accident.

Montana was found hanging in a bathroom at Stewart’s Creek Elementary
School around 1 p.m. Jan. 21. He was taken to Baylor Medical Center at
Carrollton, where he was pronounced dead.

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Medical examiner confirms death of 9-yr-old Colony, TX boy was suicide

NOTE FROM Ann Blake-Tracy ( This suicide is much too similar to little Gabriel Myers’ (7) suicide in Florida last year – while in the custody of CPS! He too was on similar medications when he impulsively hung himself with a shower hose in the bathroom. Both types of medications have an FDA black box…

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ZOLOFT & WELLBUTRIN: Teen Attempts Suicide: Louisiana

(PRLEAP.COM) Now drug-free, J.K., a Narconon
Louisiana drug rehabilitation treatment graduate, tells the story of how his
addiction started and how it ended. J.K. spent his adolescent years under the
care of a psychiatrist. He started seeing the doctor when he was 12 or 13 up
until the time he was 19 years old. Ten to fifteen minutes into his first visit
he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety and unstable emotions. He was
given Zoloft, Atavan, and Klonopin as treatment.

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A civil trial
is set to start Monday on a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the widow of a
Harding police officer who hanged himself in 2003, a day after he was screened
at Morristown Memorial Hospital for suicidal ideations but not

A jury of four men and four women was selected by Thursday
afternoon to hear the wrongful death//medical malpractice claims, and opening
trial statements are set to begin Monday before Superior Court Judge W. Hunt
Dumont in Morristown. At issue is whether the hospital, through a social worker,
registered nurse and psychiatrist named as defendants, was negligent and
breached a duty of care to Harding Officer James Cillo Jr. on Aug. 27,

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