Prozac Prescribed "Without a Thought"
“I cannot help wondering how much of his problem was enhanced or made worse by this drug.”
12/02/2000 – Upcoming shows of interest
Judy Coburn, from here in Utah, whose husband killed himself on Paxil, and whose daugther Amy (14) attempted suicide on Paxil and was featured on the cover of US News and World Report earlier this year, will be on Montel show next week. It will air Wednesday at 10:00 AM MST. Check local listings to…
10/14/2000 – New Suicide Warning in Great Britain
Here’s an email that Circare, a health rights organization, has sent to the White House recently. Note the new warning that is eliciting controversy in Great Britain: “people may feel suicidal in the first few weeks of taking Prozac and similar antidepressants.” Also attached are two relevant articles written by Sarah Boseley, Health correspondent for…
10/09/2000 – Congressman attributes son’s suicide to Accutane Lawmaker tells of acne drug’s risk Rep. Bart Stupak. NBC’s Dr. Bob Arnot discusses the possible health risks of Accutane and alternative treatments for severe cases of acne. Congressman attributes son’s suicide to Accutane MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., Oct. 5. A Michigan congressman whose 17-year-old son committed suicide earlier this…
Suicide after One Month on Celexa and lorazipam
“I do wonder just how often suicide, attempted suicides and murders are committed by people who are taking SSRI drugs.”
6/22/2000 – Antidepressant Controversy
A revealing chat transcript with Dr. Joseph Glenmullen regarding SSRI’s and suicide can now be found on the Link follows the introduction. ————– Antidepressant Controversy Chat with Dr. Joseph Glenmullen June 21 Dr. Joseph Glenmullen Experts agree that drugs like Prozac and Zoloft (known medically as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs) are effective,…
6/13/2000 – Quandary Over Prozac – Boston Globe Editorial A BOSTON GLOBE EDITORIAL The Prozac Question Eli Lilly, manufacturer of the highly successful antidepressant drug Prozac, wants to have it both ways. While it has always insisted that the drug does not cause even a tiny percentage of its users to contemplate suicide, it also wants to sell an updated version of Prozac…
5/24/2000 – Antidepressants-Suicide Link
This appears at s0515.html —— Antidepressants-Suicide Link Harvard Psychiatrist: Studies Needed The Associated Press B O S T O N, May 15 — Dr. Jonathan O. Cole, a Harvard psychiatrist who has suggested a link between antidepressants like Prozac and suicide, says drug manufacturers and the federal government haven’t adequately investigated the problem. In…