ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Soldier’s Condition Worsens: U.S.A.

“The VA is continuing to stonewall my claims any and every chance it gets without clear and legal justification,” Wehr said in a letter to the Veterans Affairs office in Portland dated June 15, 2009. “Meanwhile, I will be preparing to submit my entire file to Senator Wyden’s office and request a congressional investigation into this utter lack of professionalism and lack of attention to detail in this matter.”

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PAXIL: 85 Year Old Man Kills Wife: No History of Violence

As you read through the next two paragraphs understand why I gasp when I hear that this man was given an SSRI while suffering from anxiety, pneumoniaand sleep apnea. You see, anything that increases serotonin – as the SSRI antidepressants are designed to do and all antidepressants do – shuts down the lungs thereby cutting off oxygen to the brain. This is how these drugs produce brain damage, the cutting off of the oxygen supply.

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11/11/2002 • Genes play a part, but violence may be viral

11/11/2002 • Genes play a part, but violence may be viral By TOM SIEGFRIED The Dallas Morning News ORLANDO, Fla. Harvard Medical School This interesting article states: “Those genes are found in nerve cells (or neurons) that produce the brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. When active, the genes tell the neurons to pump more of…

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