George Zimmerman’s Wife Doubts His Innocence in Martin Killing After Being Attacked by Husband

Shellie Zimmerman Only weeks ago I posted about George Zimmerman being on Adderall when Trayvon Martin was killed and that the drug could have produced paranoia where there was little to no reason for it and triggered the extreme violence of the attack…leading to a death that could have been prevented. Well now George Zimmerman…

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PAXIL: 85 Year Old Man Kills Wife: No History of Violence

As you read through the next two paragraphs understand why I gasp when I hear that this man was given an SSRI while suffering from anxiety, pneumoniaand sleep apnea. You see, anything that increases serotonin – as the SSRI antidepressants are designed to do and all antidepressants do – shuts down the lungs thereby cutting off oxygen to the brain. This is how these drugs produce brain damage, the cutting off of the oxygen supply.

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6/10/2000 – Boston Globe carries story on Forsyth suit tml Eli Lilly Sued By Family Of Prozac User Who Killed Wife, Self Mitchell Zuckoff c.2000 The Boston Globe Opening a new front in the battle over Prozac and suicide, the family of a man who killed his wife then himself while taking the drug are accusing Eli Lilly and Co. of fraud for…

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