Antidepressant: Church Shooter Medicated Majority of His Short Life


EXCLUSIVE: ‘He was like a brother to me… how could he be capable of such evil’: Texas church shooter’s teenage best friend tells how he cut all ties when Kelley was convicted of domestic abuse

  • Ralph Martinez, 27,  met Texas Church shooter Devin Kelley at the skateboard park in New Braunfels, Texas when he was 12 years old and Kelly was 11
  • Martinez says he was his best friend until he was 19 and they both attended the Tree of Life Church
  • Martinez said he took prescription medication for ADHD until he was 19 and Devin took prescription pills for the same thing for as long as he can remember
  • Kelley, 26, opened fire during a Sunday morning church service at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Killing 26 and injuring 20
  • ” I’m shocked by his actions, growing up he had a hair-trigger temper… He was all talk, no action. I never imagined this could’ve of happened,” Martinez said



NOTE: It appears that after joining the military the aggression becomes more physical. Consider all the vaccines added to the mix of meds plus the military’s notariaty for drugging begins to rear its ugly head as they begin to drug him for aggression according to his wife.

What we have found over the years is that Paxil was generally the antidepressant given for “anger management” but what Eric Harris at Columbine was given was Zoloft. After six short weeks on Zoloft Eric was so frightened by the intense homicidal ideation he was experiencing from the drug that he reported it to them and asked that something be done about it.

Sadly and tragically for both Eric and dozens of his classmates at Columbine their only solution was to change the brand of the antidepressant that they were giving him! So on the new antidepressant Luvox Eric went on with the homicidal ideation that Zoloft had triggered for him and we all saw the end result. So what the information that he was being given this type of drug by the military I have absolutely no doubt that this shooter was definitely taking an antidepressant drug when he killed everyone in Texas this last week as they sat in church!

Please stay tuned for the next blog post I include or you where you will hear from the Christian Broadcasting Network Pat Robertson declare with no doubt in his voice whatsoever that this Texas church shooting was the direct result of antidepressants!

The teenage best friend  of Texas Church shooter  Devin Kelley  has revealed how his former pal had a trigger-happy temper  but had always been “all talk, no action.”

Ralph Martinez  tells Daily Mail   that he was Kelley’s best friend from age 12 to 19 years old.

“He was like a brother to me at the time,” Martinez says in an exclusive interview.

“When I heard the news of what Devin did I was mortified! I never thought he could be capable of such an evil. I’m hoping this is all a bad dream.”…

Martinez said he had a lot in common, both of them were super-hyper active.

Martinez says he took prescription medicine for his ADHD until he was 19 and Devin took prescription pills for the same thing for as long as he can remember….

For Kelley’s 21st birthday Martinez flew out to New Mexico with his girlfriend, where they spent a long weekend with Devin and Tessa where they were living at the time.

“While we were in New Mexico at one point my girlfriend saw some prescription pill bottles in their kitchen and ask Tessa what they were for,” said Martinez.

“Tessa said that they were Devin’s prescription pills, that he needs to take them for his aggression. Tessa didn’t say anything more about it.”

” A short time after we had returned back to New Braunfels, some military officials knocked on my door and asked me if I ever saw Devin beat up Tessa or notice any scrapes or bruises. They also asked if I ever noticed any aggression. I told them No! to all their questions, I had no idea what they were talking about.”

“I was shocked by what I heard, then I started hearing from people on Facebook about how Devin beat up Tessa and her young child.”


Visual Effects of Medications Over the Years

If you recall seeing the drastic changes in the physical appearance of little Kara her mother took every month or two after beginning on Paxil until she committed suicide only five or six months later I think you will see the same thing in this young man’s appearance in the pictures below….the evidence of Cushing’s Syndrome is more than obvious in the last picture.:-)


Additional Information

For documentation please read the excellent original article below from the Daily Mail with detailed information on those who lost their lives last Sunday …

Original article:


Deadly Drugs – www.SSRIstories.NET

SSRIstories.NET is a database of the cases our group at the International Coalition for Drug Awareness has gathered over the past 2 1/2 decades, including nearly every school shooter and mass shooter in the country. The question remains in all of these cases as to the level of consciousness of the perpetrator – something that is never tested in the court cases and should be. (Tragically in this case that is no longer an option.) Testing is still back in the dark ages with blood levels of drugs rather than brain waves which will detect the level of consciousness and therefore culpability. These are drugs that accumulate in brain tissue at an alarming rate. Testing the blood tells us nothing about the level of toxicity.



What so many were not aware of is that an increase in serotonin by an accompanying decrease in one’s ability to metabolize serotonin was long known to produce both impulsive murder and suicide. See this study out of the Southern California:

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.

08/11/1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin, A Chemical That Helps Regulate Mood And Mental Health, Causes Mayhem




What the world remains unaware of is the fact is that 86% of those who are diagnosed with the most deadly sleep disorder known as REM Sleep Disorder (RBD) are currently taking antidepressants. REM Sleep Disorder is a condition in which there is no paralysis during sleep thus allowing the patient to act out the dreams or nightmares they are having. Tragically 80% of those going into this sleep disorder hurt themselves or others including both murder and suicide as a result.

This is possibly the most deadly of all reactions one can have to antidepressants. Even more frightening though is to learn that before the introduction of the SSRI antidepressants RBD was known mainly as a drug withdrawal effect. Thus the chances of going into this dangerous reaction should be expected to increase as one goes into withdrawal. This is why it is so important to avoid as much of the withdrawal effects as possible by tapering off the antidepressant very, very slowly. Feel free to join us on Facebook to learn more about this disorder on our Antidepressant-induced REM Sleep Disorder group:

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