CBN 700 Club Blames Antidepressants for Texas Church Massacre

CBN’s Pat Robertson – Antidepressants & Violence

In 2004 or 2005 while traveling home from the FDA antidepressant hearings  Columbine’s Miracle Boy, Mark Taylor, and I did an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) about the dangers of antidepressants. Apparently Pat Robertson listened closely that day and has put 2 and 2 together in summing up the Texas Church Shooting this past week leaving 26 dead & another 20 wounded! Watch him make this statement below…and below that is a video on Mark Taylor’s Fight for Truth about Columbine which includes sections of our CBN interview…..

From the November 6 edition of Christian Broadcasting Networks’ The 700 Club:

Robertson: “I hope and pray they don’t politicize this thing and start talking about gun control and all that because it won’t be necessary”

November 6, 2017 11:22 AM EST ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF

PAT ROBERTSON (HOST): Do we have a climate of death in this country? What isn’t going on? We understand a lot of these shootings, the people involved have been taking antidepressant drugs, and that may well be the causative factor, but something is going on. Our CBN News national security correspondent Erik Rosales is with us, Erik, there are reports that the shooter turned to atheism and mocked believers. What do you know about him?

ERIK ROSALES: Yeah, he certainly did, Pat. He was very outspoken of his atheistic views on Facebook and would often challenge people on Facebook is what we’re being told. His former classmates describe him as an outcast, simply crazy, and just plain weird. They said that he would often be so outspoken about his atheistic views that he would often just turn people away.

ROBERTSON: He’s mentally unstable. But I hope and pray they don’t politicize this thing and start talking about gun control and all that because it won’t be necessary. But I do think there’s got to be a thorough investigation into the effect of antidepressants on these [inaudible]. And they’ve been so many of these mass killings and almost every one, as I said before, has had some nexus to antidepressants. So, we need to see what we are giving people. But my goodness, our prayers are with those people from that small community in Texas. The worst shooting — church shooting — in the history of the United States of America.


Our Previous CBN Interview is Included in the Following Video on

Mark Taylor’s Fight for Truth About Columbine & Antidepressants

Deadly Drugs – www.SSRIstories.NET

SSRIstories.NET is a database of the cases our group at the International Coalition for Drug Awareness has gathered over the past 2 1/2 decades, including nearly every school shooter and mass shooter in the country. The question remains in all of these cases as to the level of consciousness of the perpetrator – something that is never tested in the court cases and should be. (Tragically in this case that is no longer an option.) Testing is still back in the dark ages with blood levels of drugs rather than brain waves which will detect the level of consciousness and therefore culpability. These are drugs that accumulate in brain tissue at an alarming rate. Testing the blood tells us nothing about the level of toxicity.



What so many were not aware of is that an increase in serotonin by an accompanying decrease in one’s ability to metabolize serotonin was long known to produce both impulsive murder and suicide. See this study out of the Southern California:

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.

08/11/1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin, A Chemical That Helps Regulate Mood And Mental Health, Causes Mayhem




What the world remains unaware of is the fact is that 86% of those who are diagnosed with the most deadly sleep disorder known as REM Sleep Disorder (RBD) are currently taking antidepressants. REM Sleep Disorder is a condition in which there is no paralysis during sleep thus allowing the patient to act out the dreams or nightmares they are having. Tragically 80% of those going into this sleep disorder hurt themselves or others including both murder and suicide as a result.

This is possibly the most deadly of all reactions one can have to antidepressants. Even more frightening though is to learn that before the introduction of the SSRI antidepressants RBD was known mainly as a drug withdrawal effect. Thus the chances of going into this dangerous reaction should be expected to increase as one goes into withdrawal. This is why it is so important to avoid as much of the withdrawal effects as possible by tapering off the antidepressant very, very slowly. Feel free to join us on Facebook to learn more about this disorder on our Antidepressant-induced REM Sleep Disorder group:

See more information below on safe withdrawal from antidepressants. Never ever ever ever attempt to come off one of these medications without researching the antidepressant withdrawal extensively! It is so important to learn all you can first in order to save yourself possibly years of misery.

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