Tamiflu Suicide: Normal, Happy Teen Committs Suicide After Two Doses of Tamiflu

NOTE: For some reason the links in this post are not working. If you copy the link and paste it in your browser then it will take you there…Just last week Charlie Harp, 16, was prescribed Tamiflu for symptoms of the flu and after taking only two pills was found dead from suicide. And just two weeks ago my own niece and her two-year-old son were prescribed Tamiflu. As I heard her say that over her father’s cell phone, I immediately said, “Oh no! Tell her not to take that! It is dangerous enough that it even causes suicide!”

I then suggested a few natural alternatives: Sovereign Silver, vitamin C, garlic, oregano, or anything natural rather than a pharmaceutical drug – especially one with suicide warnings! Tragically Charlie and his family were completely unaware of any issues with this drug because the warnings have been basically non-existent unless you really search for them.

You can read more details about this what happened in Charlie’s tragic and totally avoidable death in this article here:



    Facebook Group: Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) Should Be Illegal



In 2007 Tamiflu Banned in Japan Due to Suicides

See Petition Below For Similar Ban In America

Although the FDA has taken no such step to protect American children from Tamiflu, clear back just over a decade ago in the Spring of 2007 the country of Japan banned the use of Tamiflu for teens due to the numbers of suicides from the drug.

In September of 2004 Mark Taylor, known as the “Columbine Miracle Boy” after surviving 7 – 13 bullets, stood before the FDA panel voting on whether or not to issue warnings on antidepressants producing violence towards oneself and others and asked, “How are we suppose to feel safe at school, at home, on the street, at church or anywhere else if we cannot trust the FDA to do what we are paying you to do? Where were you when I and all of my classmates got shot at Columbine?”  Clearly Mark’s question needs to be asked over and over and over again when you see how many prescription drugs are causing violent and  fatal reactions!


The Petition to Remove Tamiflu From the Market



The Science: Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier?

In the article below you will find some interesting information on the possibility that inflammation in the brain from the flu could cause the blood-brain barrier to become more permeable thus allowing Tamiflu into the brain. And yet the main issue remains that this is yet another drug that increases serotonin levels to the point that one can experience serotonin syndrome. And we know that any drug that increases serotonin can produce extreme violence, LSD and PCP effects –  since serotonin is what those drugs mimic in order to produce hallucinations, and serotonin clearly is tied to the triggering of the REM sleep disorder. and the in the room sleep disorder 80% hurt themselves or someone else and 89% of those being diagnosed with the deadly disorder are taking serotonergic drugs!


  23 March 2007

Japan bans Tamiflu for teenagers

By Debora MacKenzie

Japan officials said the anti-flu drug Tamiflu should not be given to teenagers, after two boys aged 12 and 16 broke their legs jumping from the second floor of their houses.

The ban follows earlier cases of odd behaviour – including some suicides – in Japanese teens taking Tamiflu (see http://www.newscientist.com/channel/health/dn10527).

However, a large new study casts doubt over whether the drug is to blame for psychiatric problems.

The company that makes Tamiflu, Roche Holdings in Basel, Switzerland, told New Scientist that new data shows that people with flu are less at risk of psychiatric symptoms if they take the drug. David Reddy, in charge of Tamiflu at Roche, says the company is about to publish data, collected by two large insurance companies in the US, on 226,000 people with flu, of whom 101,500 took Tamiflu.

Between 2% and 5% of patients in both drug and non-drug groups had neuro-psychiatric symptoms including encephalitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), delusion, delirium, anxiety and hallucination. But, says Reddy, people on Tamiflu had significantly fewer symptoms.

Reduced effects

More than three-quarters of the Tamiflu taken globally so far has been taken in Japan. The number of people and time spent on the drug there now adds up to 380,000 “patient-years”, says Reddy. Japan’s national suicide rate is 25 per 100,000 people. Therefore, by extension, “95 people should have committed suicide while they were on Tamiflu just ordinarily by now, and we haven’t seen that,” Reddy says. In fact, only two people are known to have committed suicide while on the drug.

Flu itself has neuro-psychiatric effects, when chemicals called cytokines produced as part of the innate immune response to the virus cause brain inflammation. “But Tamiflu lowers the amount of virus, so it should reduce these effects,” says Reddy.

John Treanor, an expert on flu drugs at the University of Rochester, has seen Roche’s data. “There has not been a suggestion of neuro-psychiatric side effects [caused by Tamiflu] in the clinical trials [in people], and the database analysis they have done also doesn’t show such an association,” he told New Scientist. “However, when you get reports like this it is important to investigate thoroughly.”

The Japanese government says 54 people have died while taking the drug. Fifteen people aged between 10 and 19 have jumped from buildings, and another ran into traffic, while taking Tamiflu. Five of these have died since 2004, although it is unknown whether they intended to kill themselves. In addition, there have been seven reported cases of odd behaviour in adults taking the drug – two of whom committed suicide.

Political decision

Masato Tashiro, head of flu at Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told New Scientist that the drug’s withdrawal “is a highly political and sensitive issue, rather than science”. However, he says, we know too little about it. “My personal concern is that Tamiflu might invade the brain through the blood-brain barrier.”

The barrier forms a highly impenetrable layer of tissue that prevents many chemicals from crossing from the blood into the brain. In 2004, Roche said the drug should not be given to infants under one year of age, after experiments in mice showed it depressed brain activity and caused death in animals too young to have a fully-formed barrier.

Normally, Tamiflu cannot penetrate the barrier. But it becomes more permeable when the tissue is inflamed, as can happen in flu. Japanese doctors fear that Tamiflu might be getting into the brain, depressing activity and “disinhibiting” some behaviours.

South Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union’s medicines agency have renewed warnings to doctors to watch for odd behaviour in teenagers on the drug, but have not withdrawn it.

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