Ft. Lauderdale shooter thought the government was using mind control on him & he was right!
Back in 1995, the editor of the Washington Post admitted that 45% of their reporters were on the first SSRI antidepressant, Prozac. This is a drug known to turn brain cells into corkscrew shapes & produce hallucinations via serotonin the same way LSD & PCP do, although more gradually thereby producing the psychosis more subtly. This makes it appear the patient is going gradually insane, rather than it being a drug effect. This is the type of drug behind every mass shooting in the past several decades with side effects known (documented) to produce both suicidal & homicidal ideation. These drugs alter both the thinking as well as behavior!
These reporters basically give every piece of evidence that this shooter was being “treated” with these drugs & THEN THEY ASK WHAT THE MOTIVE WAS???!!!! HELLO?!!!!! After 30 years of working as an expert in these cases, I pray for juries with more brain function than what these reporters have demonstrated in this news report!!
Now take a look at this database of thousands of cases & see if you can see the common denominator!! www.SSRIstories.net

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