Raise Awareness In Your Home Area By Sharing This

What you can do to help wake up others to this antidepressant nightmare by sharing with your local neighborhood watch groups, police & fire departments, domestic violence groups, apartment managers, etc., to keep your local areas safe. I have been trying to decide where to go to live & have not been able to find anywhere safe because of these deadly drugs. Besides creating our own drug-free community, the only choice we have is to clean up our own by educating our friends, family & neighbors.
So please share the following everywhere you can. With email, it is only a copy, paste & click away. For the sake of our children & grandchildren, who will be left to deal with an even worse nightmare as it progresses, PLEASE SHARE!
Ann Blake-Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
www.drugawareness.org & www. SSRIstories.net
Author: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? OUR serotonin Nightmare!
Withdrawal Audio: Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!
Dear ________________,
I am concerned about the increasingly bizarre & out of character violence in our neighborhoods & our society when I see the following documentation leading right back to some of the most commonly prescribed medications today! These are in fact the drugs which are being most commonly prescribed to those who are being dangerously dropped far too rapidly off opioids as a means to “cope” with their rapid withdrawals!
My fear is that too many individuals remain unaware that heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, steroids, Ecstacy, opioids, & one of the most violence producing drugs in history, PCP (Angel Dust) all had their beginnings as “safe & effective” prescription drugs & were commonly prescribed by doctors. And even in some of the most health conscious communities LSD was given without concern to pregnant women by their totally uninformed OBGYNs! To this day we remain unaware of those effects upon those offspring exposed to LSD while their bodies & brains were forming! And the same holds true for these drugs now.
#1 Antidepressants, many sleep medications, & stop smoking medications are designed to increase serotonin. Yet Serotonin is what LSD & PCP increase which is the means by which  hallucinations/psychosis is produced by those drugs! Increasing serotonin is also known to produce extreme out of character violence as this research below demonstrates:
#2 Here is a database of thousands of cases of violence in normal everyday people (your neighbor?) produced by these drugs … many cases which you will recognize: www.SSRIstories.net
#3 The overwhelming majority of school shooters were on or had just stopped taking antidepressants which increase serotonin…
Database of shootings & documentation of antidepressant use:
#4 Amazing insight into deadly medication-induced & rapid medication withdrawal induced REM Sleep Disorder by the only school shooter to ever speak out. A short 10 minute video clip to show you what can happen to a 16 year old, very well behaved farm boy, never in trouble before, whose only fault was shyness for which he was given these drugs. This led to him suffering a REM Sleep Disorder RBD (86% being diagnosed with RBD are taking antidepressants) where you act out nightmares in a dream state & long known to include both murder & suicide – the perfect formula for out of character violence: Why I took a gun to school?
WARNING: These drugs have severe withdrawal which must be avoided by a VERY, VERY GRADUAL withdrawal generally taking months to years to safely avoid RBD
This is only a quick overview of this problem. Any additional information can be found at www.drugawareness.org
Thank you,
Concerned Citizen

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