New Normal? 6 Dead in 3rd Deadliest Shooting This Year

Sheriff Bakersfield shooting rampage that left 6 dead is “New Normal”

I can tell the sheriff WHY this is the “new normal”! Perhaps he has forgotten having to pick up Roseanne Barr years ago while under the influence of Prozac when her way to Salt Lake City to kill her parents because her Prozac delusions we’re leading her to believe her parents had sexually molested her at only 6 months of age. Years later while appearing on Oprah this is something that she publicly stated was the result of adverse reactions to her medication. You could tell how difficult it was for her to even discuss and she called it “the biggest mistake” of her life. Of course this was after coming off the drugs and realizing what had happened. I was overjoyed to see her angel mother next to her as she told the world the truth about what happened. Sadly her father passed away before he had a chance to hear it. What these drugs are doing to destroy family relationships in so many ways is absolutely criminal!

Find the rest of the story on this Bakersfield shooting in he LA Times article below…


Rosanne Barr

Adverse effects can come quickly and with much intensity for people with serious head injuries like Roseanne had when she was only 16. This was a life threatening injury where she was hit by a car leaving her with the hood ornament imbedded in her forehead! So where was her warning? Where is  that warning with these drugs? Why was that never given?

Head Injury & Antidepressants


Jason Hairston & Donald Trump, Jr.


Is that lack of warning why Donald Trump Jr’s hunting partner, a former San Francisco 49er, Jason Hairston, also a survivor of a very serious sports related head injury,  just days ago killed himself? I have very little doubt! The last stats I heard found that 75% of football players have had head injuries & everyone wonders why it is often men who have these adverse reactions resulting in violence from these drugs?

The only antidepressant I have seen carry very strong warnings about taking it if someone has had a serious head injury is Wellbutrin. Yet the rest of them, as far as I know,  have never carried the warning for those with previous head injuries.


McCann Utu, Jr.




“New Normal?”

This is not new!  We have seen serotonin induced violence long before this and in fact  Sheriff  it was law enforcement and judges who put an end to it then because of the extreme violence they saw as the result of it. And what was it Sheriff? It was PCP, a  drug which mimicked serotonin. It was on the market for 7 years with the public being told the drug had a large margin of safety in humans. Obviously as everyone learned that statement was far from correct!

That drug was pulled from the market right about the same time that Congress banned another drug which mimicked serotonin. That drug had produced much suicide across the country along with the Public’s introduction to the violence it could produce in the way of introducing the world to Charles Manson. That drug was LSD, the CIA drug of choice or mind control. The same drug that the CIA used 80% of their initial budget to purchase all of the LSD that Sandoz pharmaceutical had on hand to use in their mind control experiments. We learned later that most of those CIA experiments we’re done on the General Public and the military. Is that what we are seeing again? To me it seems more than obvious.

This is the “new normal” Sheriff because there is just too much of everything that increases serotonin which results in the increase of violence. And that serotonin research indicating an association with elevated serotonin and extreme violence was done right in your own back yard Sheriff at the University of Southern California. It would seem to me it is long overdue that law enforcement and judges wake up to this and step forward once again to protect us from this!

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.

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