Antidepressant: Woman Who Made False Accusations of Abuse at Duke Found Guilty of Murder

Crystal Magnum Found Guilty of Murder This case makes it clear why it is so important for the public and the judicial system to recognize and understand these antidepressant-induced False Accusations of Abuse or recognize any of the early toxic reactions. This case of her false accusations of abuse against the Duke players was a warning…

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3/24/2001 – 5 Drug Makers Use Material With Possible Mad Cow Link

Isn’t it interesting that 20/20 nor 60 Minutes did not even hint at this
issue in their show on Mad Cow disease in America? Even our local ABC station
here went on after the 20/20 piece to assure us that we have safe meat in
Utah when it was the same station who ran a piece a couple of years ago on
the city official who died of Mad Cow.

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