PSYCH MEDS: Ex-Girlfriend Gives Answers in FL Bank Shooting

Alex Gerlach, who said she dated Xaver on and off for about three years, said she met him in a psychiatric hospital in 2013 in Plymouth, Ind., the area where Xaver grew up and attended high school. Gerlach provided a photo of herself with Xaver to WSBT, a station in South Bend, Ind. (Xaver’s parents did not immediately return calls or messages from The Post to confirm whether a mental illness had been diagnosed.)
[Did these amazing Washington Post reporters (45% were on Prozac in the mid 90’s according to their editor) think this kid was taking a vacation in a psych ward?! Why would he be there without a diagnosis?!]

Alex Gerlach, who dated Zephen Xaver when he was living in Indiana, told WSBT-TV that Xaver has been “fascinated with death and guns” for a long time. Gerlach said they had an off-and-on relationship for two years, but kept in touch after breaking up. She said Xaver talked often about wanting to hurt people, and recently showed her a photo of a handgun he had purchased.

“I never understood where it started,” Gerlach told the news station. “For some reason [he] always hated people and wanted everyone to die. He got kicked out of school for having a dream that he killed everybody in his class.” SEE ORIGINAL ARTICLE BELOW FOR FULL QUOTE


This is called a REM Sleep Disorder, has long been known to include both murder & suicide
Now go to this link “WHY I TOOK A GUN TO SCHOOL” & watch this 12 – 13-minute video of the only school shooter to speak out about what happened to him to see the shocking similarities:

This is called a REM Sleep Disorder, has long been known to include both murder& suicide & 86% of those being diagnosed with this are currently taking an antidepressant. But this disorder. Has LONG been known as a drug withdrawal state & yet with such a high rate presenting with this deadly sleep disorder while on the drugs, no research to date as far as I am aware has been done to determine how often it is found in those, like comedian Phil Hartman’s wife Bryn, who have fairly recently rapidly withdrawn from antidepressants or had there dosages4 abruptly & drastically changed?!

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