PTSD 14 Dead in Shooting in Upscale Quiet Thousand Oaks, CA

This shooting did not completely grab my attention until I heard it happened in my old home area of Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park where I lived for a year just over the hill from Dean Martin. (I was on the wrong side of the hill.) But it is a really quiet, laid back area where these things do not happen, even in bars.


Ian David Long, Before Meds?


Ian David Long, After Meds?


The shooter Ian David Long, 28, was an ex-Marine who was honorably discharged in 2013. Curtis Kellogg, a friend who served with Long, said Long headed to Southern California to pursue a degree in sports medicine after his service in Afghanistan. And as this article does point out he had mental health issues – PTSD for which the military freely hands out antidepressants which CAUSE PTSD!

You can see in his face in these two pictures and in Heather’s pictures below the toll these drugs can take on someone. So relaxed before yet so very stressed and burned out after the cortisol levels (the stress hormone) are jacked up so high with an antidepressant (DOUBLED with only one dose!)

To see extensive video coverage of the shooting and latest updates you can go to this link to the Associated Press coverage on it:

Deputy, 11 others killed in mass shooting at California bar


Heather Locklear?

My first thought upon hearing this news that this happened in Thousand Oaks, home of Heather Locklear, was “I hope it was not Heather going off the deep end yet again on her antidepressants!” She was arrested twice earlier this year for attacking officers and in another incident where she nearly bit off her boyfriend’s nose! No surprise with biting being such a common adverse reaction to antidepressants.


Heather Locklear pleads not guilty in her domestic violence arrest/officer attack. These drugs certainly do not help you win any beauty contest!!!


How Do These Random Shootings Happen?


Watch the first hand account of a boy who could have been Adam Lanza or Eric Harris…learn the common denominator in 68 school shootings over the past two decades as 16-year-old Corey talks about the day he took a rifle to his high school and held 24 classmates hostage.

Here is a video list of those 68 shootings with list of related medication:


Elevated Serotonin is the Key to Violence

Everyone has heard that serotonin is this wonderful “happy” chemical we need to no longer be depressed or anxious while the research for decades before these drugs hit the market told us the exact opposite! Serotonin produces all kinds of mental issues, including depression, anxiety, suicide, psychosis, violent crime, etc.

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.


Learn More About Serotonin

Why is Such Important Safety Information

Kept From the Public?

Why No Negative News on Pharma?

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