Why No Negative News on Pharma?


Wow is this true!!!!! I have witnessed it firsthand for 2 1/2 decades.

Salt Lake Family History Library Shooting Link to German Wings Suicide Flight

The month before Columbine happened Salt Lake had a major shooting at the Salt Lake Family History Library, in which a good friend of mine, Don Thomas, lost his life. Don was a guard at the library who I had warned over & over about the extreme danger he was in working there  around so many on antidepressants. And yet it was not a patron, but a 70 year old Russian immigrant out for his regular morning walk, who shot & killed Don that day.
Unaware of the strong possibility of suffering the deadly drug withdrawal effect of REM Sleep Disorder, he had recently abruptly stopped his antidepressant for the same reason the German Wings co-pilot who flew 150 to their deaths in 2015. He did so by overtaking the plane & flying it into a mountainside in the Alps. He was changing his antidepressants because he too noticed the drugs were causing him to lose his eyesight.
But what did the Salt Lake media report about the shooting? They reported the man had suddenly become schizophrenic at age 70. The problem with that is that  schizophrenia generally shows up in the late teens/early 20’s. That is unless you get a proper diagnosis as Osama Bin Laden’s son, Omar, did when doctors diagnosed him with Antidepressant-induced Schizophrenia.

Silence for Sale

It had become so blatantly obvious their silence was for sale that long ago I told the head of the largest news station in Salt Lake City that the media has a responsibility to warn the public & I would do all in my power to insure they would be held accountable for the lives being lost due to their refusal to publicize the truth.

More Examples of the Supression of Truth

Back in the mid 90’s the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune, the two major newspapers in SLC, had a section called the “Citizen’s Section” which ran in both newspapers where citizens could contribute articles. Someone asked me to submit one and they absolutely loved it and wanted more. I gladly gave them more. After about three or four articles from me they suddenly discontinued that section of the newspaper.
They have become so bad since then about protecting their advertisers that they only occasionally will allow even my comments on articles to be published! I might add that the Desert News has been the only news media worldwide to refuse to print my comments – comments I have submitted regularly in many different venues around the world.

The Geraldo Show?

Then in 1997 Geraldo had me on as a guest to discuss the removal from the market of the serotonergic diet pills Fen-Phen and Redux which were found to be causing heart, lung & brain damage.
Because antidepressants are also serotonergic, & it was determined that the elevated serotonin produced by fen-phen and Redux is what caused the massive brain damage patients were having from those drugs, Geraldo welcomed SSRI antidepressant victims as well. So I brought a family from KS where the father, only days on Zoloft, stabbed his wife & two teens before committing suicide by shooting himself. And a woman whose daughter, a Neurologist, took her own life on Prozac.
Geraldo did an incredible job of demonstrating what these drug companies are doing to so many to cause damage with these drugs. And also as an attorney he did an excellent job of interviewing the drug company’s own attorneys on air.
As a result, in spite of its popularity I thought it very odd that his show ended within 6 months after our show aired.

The Leeza Gibbons Show

Two years later I arranged to do the Leeza Gibbons Show to discuss the high number of mothers on antidepressants who were killing their own children – a real rarity before the SSRIs.
As we stepped onto the stage to do the show they had the nerve to say to me & Robert Kirkwood, a father who had just lost his wife and two children when his wife committed murder suicide on the antidepressant Effexor, “You can say the word antidepressant, but you cannot say the brand names of the drugs.” He then added that the reason for that was, “Because of our advertisers.”
Leeza too did an excellent show & within three months after filming the show she was off the air as well!

Radio Too?!

Then two years later a national radio show, the largest in the market, with tens of millions of listeners had me on regularly & could not seem to get enough of my shows. I was repeatedly told what an incredible reception there was of my interviews by their listeners. Then suddenly their ownership changed & just as suddenly I was never on the show again!

Fox National News?


Then not long after that I worked with Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s younger brother, Douglas, on a Fox News National interview on school shootings. Douglas did several excellent news pieces on the subject of antidepressants & I just noticed Robert said here that it was the head of the NEWS division that said this to him. And I know there was some kind of big upset over me appearing on Fox News talking about the antidepressant connection to youth suicide & school shootings as well. This makes me wonder if that may have endangered Doug’s job at Fox?
So do I have ANY DOUBT whatsoever that this statement is true? ABSOLUTELY NONE!!!!!

Robert Kennedy Jr’s Own

SSRI Nightmare

Also keep in mind that Robert Kennedy, Jr lost his wife, Mary, in a Zoloft-induced suicide. I do hope his children know this was a drug reaction & that their mother did not make a conscious choice to leave them.

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