ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: Totally Unexpected: India

LUCKNOW – Mystery continues to
surround the suicide by Uttar Pradesh IAS officer Harminder Raj Singh two days
after he allegedly shot himself dead with his licensed revolver. He was on
anti-depressants for the past six months, sources close to the family

Some of Singh’s friends in the bureaucracy are still shocked over
the death. “Harminder Raj Singh was of the type who would have definitely left
behind something in black in white,” asserted a close friend who prefers
anonymity. Singh’s body was cremated in Delhi Monday afternoon.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: 22 Year Old Woman: England

and quiet girl’ who spent years bravely fighting depression took her own life
just days after her 22nd birthday, an inquest heard.

Family and friends joined
popular Natalie McCreanney at her party at Bibendum in Eastbourne town centre on
November 21 last year.

A week later, her body was
found on a secluded part of the beach, near the foot of Beachy Head.

An inquest on Tuesday heard
that Natalie, an animal lover, who studied at Plumpton College, had suffered ill
health as a child, which limited her sight and held her back at school.

Natalie paid for regular
counselling sessions for several years at the Eastbourne Clinic, but these ended
a couple of months before her death as she was thought to be too dependent on

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: 18 Year Old: England

A bullied Castleford teenager was found hanged at
his home with lyrics from a hardcore rock song scrawled on his arm.
Dean Booth, 18, was found by his horrified mum hanging from a loft hatch. He had
placed a computer cord around his neck.

From the age of 15 he was
tormented by school bullies and developed depression and anger management

Speaking at an inquest into his death, grieving mum Margaret said
she believed this was a cry for help and he had not intended to kill

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: 26 Year Old Teacher Hangs Herself: England

A teacher suspended over claims she helped pupils cheat in their GCSE exams hanged
herself – only to be exonerated after her death.

Vanessa Rann was
distraught after being accused of giving children unfair help during their
French oral examination.

She was sent home on full pay while an
investigation into the allegations was carried out, with pupils facing the
prospect of having their final grades changed.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Assault with Knife: England

A HEARTBROKEN man stabbed his best friend in the stomach after
breaking up with his girlfriend.

John Withers had been homeless since
the split but was given shelter by Trevor Phillips, a former work colleague.

But Withers got drunk after an unexpected meeting with his ex-partner
and returned to Mr Phillips’ house in the village of Wickhamford, near Evesham,
in “a zombie state”, said Alex Warren, prosecuting.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Knife Attack: England

A HEARTBROKEN man stabbed his best friend in the stomach after
breaking up with his girlfriend.

John Withers had been homeless since
the split but was given shelter by Trevor Phillips, a former work colleague.

But Withers got drunk after an unexpected meeting with his ex-partner
and returned to Mr Phillips’ house in the village of Wickhamford, near Evesham,
in “a zombie state”, said Alex Warren, prosecuting.

He stuck the kitchen
knife four inches into Mr Phillips’ stomach in an unprovoked attack.

When police arrived, Withers was drinking a can of beer and the victim
still had the blade protruding from his body, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Withers, aged 44, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to unlawful
wounding and was jailed for 27 months.

Judge Richard Rundell said an
inch or two either way and Withers could have been facing a murder charge.

He accepted a defence submission that the attack was “inexplicable” and
said Withers might have mental health issues.

Mr Phillips, who lived
with his wife and step daughter, had known the defendant for 15 years and took
pity on him when he became homeless at the end of his romance, said Mr Warren.

But on June 26 Withers was spoken to by Mr Phillips about being drunk
and an argument blew up.

Later that evening Withers returned to the
address. The victim was making coffee when he felt the knife blow.

blade did not enter the abdominal cavity and he recovered after an operation.

Francis Laird, defending, said Withers had gone through a stressful
break-up and was “totally heartbroken”.

He was taking anti-depressants
when he met his ex by accident in a pub and began drinking heavily.

Laird said: “He became overwhelmed and did something quite inexplicable. He is
deeply sorry for what he did. It may have been out of his control.”

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Suicide: 20 Year Old Woman: England

A FORMER Bolton School pupil who suffered from “dark
moods” took a fatal overdose of anti-depressants, an inquest heard.

Fay Turner died aged just 20 in July after a row with her ex-boyfriend.

The overdose of prescribed medication was the latest in a number taken by Miss
Turner, who had a history of mental health illnesses including anorexia and

Miss Turner’s father, Philip Turner, of Andrew Lane, Bolton,
described his daughter as a bright girl.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS & PAIN MEDS: Soldier’s Family Claim He is Being Overmedicated

O’FALLON, IL ( – The
family of an O’Fallon, Illinois soldier who lost his leg in Iraq is asking
serious questions about treatment at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington,
DC. There’s been an unexpected setback in Specialist Chas Shaffer’s recovery.
Fourteen months after the incident, his father says he has regressed, and he

blames the medication he’s being prescribed by army doctors.

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ANTIDEPRESSANT: Young Man Collapses, Almost Dies: England

South Devon magistrates in
Torquay were told Robert Lane became agitated and angry with ambulance staff who
were trying to revive the 19-year-old man.

Following the case, a
spokesman for the ambulance service said: “Any abuse, whether verbal or
physical, will not be tolerated. The trust takes incidents of this nature very

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