More Utah Women Dying by Suicide as Researcher Seeks Better Antidepressants for High Altitudes

My comment on Suicide article … Reading the comments I am encouraged after 30 years of researching, writing, & working as an expert in criminal & wrongful death cases involving antidepressants!!! I spent many years trying to wake Utah up to the horrible mistake in the hypothesis behind these drugs, even working closely for…

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Florida Doctor Loses It When Questioned On His Medicating

No big surprise coming out of Florida where there are SO MANY on antidepressants it would appear that a prescription for an antidepressant is a requirement for residency! These drugs are notorious for producing rage & violent outbursts!!! And considering that widespread use in Florida they likely have more than the average of 75% of…

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Four Dead in Mass Shooting at Hospital Pharmacy

Here we go again! This time in Chicago with about the strictest gun laws in the country. Another medical facility shooting…wonder if the percentage of workplace violence shootings are higher than the 60% in medical facilities they reported about four years ago? With 75% of doctors & nurses currently on antidepressants it should be higher….

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Science Behind Shooters & Medications Interview With Ann Blake-Tracy

The Conspiracy Show:  Mass Shootings and Mind Altering Drugs  “Are money hungry Drug companies creating lone gun terrorists, then trying to hide their complicity?” September 16, 2018, with Richard Syrett, Toronto, Canada   Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode Ann Blake-Tracy  Bio: Ann is the author or the first book ever written on the adverse effects of SSRI…

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