January 21, 2025

If this is indicative of the typical one week of arrests in a major city, can anyone else see what it is behind America’s crime wave? As much as anyone wants to cry about banning guns, this makes it far more than obvious that mind-altering substances, whether currently legal or currently illegal, are clearly the biggest cause of crime in America today! Click the link below to see these mug shots & tell me what you think….

These are mug shots from only one week’s worth of arrests in Phoenix, Arizona. Now after looking in their faces I want you to tell me just how many of these 75 individuals appear to be conscious enough to you to be able of  forming “intent to commit” a crime … to intentionally commit a crime?

In all my years of tracking cases to see how often antidepressants are involved in various crimes I had never stopped to actually look at the mugshots of those being arrested. As often as I have had police officers say over the past three decades that all they do anymore is run a psych ward, nothing has brought that statement to clarity as looking through these mug shots! I have never seen so many “Prozac eyes” in one place!


Serotonin – Key to Violence

Keep in mind that it has been known for decades the role serotonin plays in consciousness & in producing psychosis. Can we afford as a society to have so many increasing serotonin with antidepressants, atypical antipsychotics, Gabapentin, triptans, etc., etc., etc. when research has so long demonstrated  the end result of that to be brain damage, depression, anxiety, psychosis, & impulsive murder & suicide?

1996 – Mutant Mice May Hold Key To Human Violence – An Excess Of Serotonin.

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