January 17, 2025
mother kills 3 kids
No Dale you don’t get it and neither does anybody else reading these nightmares because the media is not telling you the full story. They can’t tell you the full story because if they do they lose all of their advertising money.
How do I know? Because I’ve had producers tell me that to my face before I’ve done shows on this very subject. The one that had the courage to do the show on mother’s killing their children because of the so-called mental health drugs they were being given was Leeza Gibbons & guess how long they allowed her to stay on the air after doing the show on this subject. A whole 3 months after airing the show I will post for you below.
Oprah wouldn’t touch it because her attorneys were afraid of another lawsuit like she had faced before by the Texas Ranchers after she did her show on Mad Cow Disease. That is why you don’t get the whole story. It is money driven.
Here is the whole story! This is happening to the richest country in the world because we are the ones that can afford the drugs (“medications”) that have caused this nightmare in which we all find ourselves! The same drugs that just killed this family and caused 4 mass killings Nationwide this past week!
Michigan has been one of their targets from the very beginning because you cannot sue pharmaceutical companies in the state of Michigan! This family should be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit for these three little girls and their mother! But because it happened in Michigan they’re out of luck in obtaining any type of Justice!
How can America be so incredibly blinded by this whole ridiculous Mental Health story they’ve made up for all of us to believe in so that they can keep us selling us their deadly drugs?! These are drugs where their own expert testified in a mass killing just like this one, where three family members were slaughtered by the mild-mannered grandfather who took only two doses of these damnable drugs. He testified that the antidepressant drug’s effect upon serotonin should be expected to produce impulsive murder and/or suicide! After hearing all the evidence the jury agreed with that expert witness (keep in mind he was an expert for the drug company, not the family!) and rendered the verdict that those two pills were the main cause of this tragedy. They awarded the family $6.4 million – hardly compensation for the loss of 4 loved ones in such a horrific manner. (If you want to look that up it is a Wyoming case Tobin vs Glaxo.)
I have been tracking and investigating these cases since 1990 and cannot believe the public has not woken up to this! In finding a case of a mother who has killed her children it is next to Impossible to find one, even one, who was not on these serotonergic antidepressant drugs when they did so! These things did not happen before these drugs affecting serotonin became so popular! They were not epidemic like they are now before these drugs became so popular! Yes, it would be wonderful if these mothers could get help instead of being handed their worst nightmare in a pill!
And for those of you trying to blame her family you need to go back to a case in Ardmore Pennsylvania where this time it was a father on the antidepressant Effexor who killed his wife, her parents, her daughter, and himself. If you’d like to try blaming that family for not seeing it soon enough to stop this you need to know what the wife’s position was while working for the Effexor manufacturer. Yes, she worked for the drug company supplying her husband’s antidepressant. Her job was taking adverse reaction reports for Effexor!!! Now in that position, if anyone should have been an expert in seeing something like this beforehand it would have been her! Most especially it should have been her after seeing reports that Andrea Yates, on Effexor, drowned her five children while on it! And the world blamed her husband & his mother for not seeing it either. (Rusty Yates do you want to comment on this?) The manufacturer did add “homicidal ideation” as a side effect not long after this tragedy, although you had to read to page 42 of the package insert to find that warning!)
Just scan through some of these thousands of cases we have seen from these drugs to see just how many high-profile cases of mothers killing their children involved these drugs! I have watched it explode into epidemic proportions over the last three decades.
It is long past time to quit muddling around in all this psychobabble & look at what has been the main cause of violence in our society for decades – drugs!!! If any of you can remember the serotonergic drug PCP,  “Angel Dust”, these newer antidepressant drugs are the closest thing we have ever seen to that drug, which was the most violence producing drug the world has ever seen!  And guess how it produced that violence – Serotonin!
PS: For those of you blaming this on moral or religious issues… You need to know that these drugs cut you off from feeling hope, turn molehills8í in your life into mountains, & impair your ability to feel God or spiritual feelings. Yet, Christian women, are the highest users of these drugs & I believe were targeted with the drugs. This article explains how these drugs do that & point out the warnings we were given in the scriptures by Isaiah & John the Revelator that this would happen in our day: http://www.drugawareness.org/articles/spirituality-and-sorcery
Leeza Gibbons Show on Mother’s on Antidepressants Killing Their Children:
What is really frightening is the extent of the impact of these drugs upon our society by a commenter on my Facebook page about this case who sadly has made perfectly correct connections…
“Maybe the murder-suicides are just the tip of the iceberg of how these drugs are altering society. What if for every 1 SSRI-induced murder or suicide there are 10 cases of belligerent behavior? What if this is behind 3rd wave feminism? What if this is behind the recent “gender fluidity” craze? What if this is why dating is dead? What if this gave rise to incel culture? What if this is behind #metoo? What if we can only even begin to imagine the ripple effect these drugs have had through society, on the people who aren’t even on them, because a new normal has been set which is actually serotonin-crazed, and the people not on the drugs are so bewildered now by the world that many of them are put on the drugs simply because they don’t know how to deal with a world on these drugs?”

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