URGENT TODAY!!! STOP HR 2646: “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis!!!!!

Baby With His Safe and Effective Antidepressants Although it is rare that I send information out from another group, in this instance I believe this is such a critical subject and such a tragic situation worldwide currently that MUST be not only addressed but must be stopped dead in its tracks! The drugging of infants…

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My horrific experience with antidepressants

My baby was 10 weeks old , as was actually doing well where my baby was concerned – I was not suffering from post natal depression. However i was experiencing some tough times in my family , a terminally ill family member and the pending divorce of my elder brother and his wife which I felt very saddened by. On a vulnerable day , after little sleep and several emotional phone calls from my brother I felt overwhelmed so visited my doctor . I spent the entire consultation talking about my brother and his wife’s deprecation

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CHATTANOOGA SHOOTER, Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24 Thanks to our Washington state director Jay Baadsgaard for this information from the Wall Street Journal and thanks to everyone else for sending all the other clues. As if anyone should be surprised to find these drugs at this point….. 5th paragraph reads: “Mr. Abdulazeez, who was killed Thursday…

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Prince Charles Fights for Alternative Treatment for Depression, Chronic Pain, IBS, etc.

Of all those in high profile positions who have suffered some of the worst antidepressant adverse reactions ever while it all remained basically unknown both to the family and the public it is Prince Charles and Princess Diana, so I am very pleased to see Charles making the statement supporting alternatives! Prince Charles Fights for…

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UK Antidepressant De-Ja-Vu: Lives ‘Left in Ruin by Rising Tide of Depression Drugs

Jo Thompson …ended up in hospital on anti-anxiety pills, and wanted to die when she stopped them Photo: Geoff Pugh/Telegraph JO EXPLAINS HOW ANTIDEPRESSANTS PRODUCE HAPPINESS: Miss Thompson is still suffering. “Three years have passed, but the ringing in my ears has never gone away and I’m so much more anxious than previously about things…

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Radio Show Monday: Ann Blake Tracy on “The Power Hour” with Captain Joyce Riley Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness (www.drugawareness.org and www.ssristories.NET) will be on the international radio show “The Power Hour” with Captain Joyce Riley tomorrow morning, March 9, 2015, from 8:00 – 9:00 AM Central Time….

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