23 Years Ago Today life at Columbine High started like this…

Eric Harris & Dylan Kleebold had been court ordered, after breaking into a van, into an Anger Management program (where antidepressants have long been the first line of “treatment” for anger management). How ironic that is becomes clear when you learn that 80% of those incarcerated for violent crime have been found to be suffering low blood sugar/hypoglycemic & one of the first things you see with taking antidepressants is the drop in blood sugar. The drop in sugar then triggers adrenalin rushes which is certainly not the least bit beneficial in managing anger, but instead should be expected to trigger rage & anger outbursts!

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From Columbine to Covid Dr. Oz Claims SSRIs Luvox & Prozac “Could End Covid Pandemic For Good”

From Columbine to Covid Dr. Oz Claims SSRIs Luvox & Prozac “Could End Covid Pandemic For Good” https://youtu.be/iPAWp2hGFYc But Dr. Oz is far from the only doctor recommending SSRIs for Covid take a look at this being recommended by America’s Frontline Doctors: Here. Yes Fluvoxamine, as all antidepressants do,  will most definitely shut down the…

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Help Mark Escape His 22 year Columbine Nightmare

Message from Donna Taylor: https://gofund.me/4b75372c My son Mark Taylor was shot 6 – 13 times at Columbine High School April 20, 1999 and almost died. The hospital doctor called his family physician & said, “I have one of your patients here. He is dead but he is talking to me.” The media dubbed him the…

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Antidepressant to Treat Covid19? – America’s “Brilliant” (NOT!) Scientific Minds Decide to Revisit Columbine!!!

Study to evaluate antidepressant as potential COVID-19 treatment – the same antidepressant that triggered Columbine! Drug fluvoxamine may help prevent life-threatening ‘cytokine storm’ The following article really is NOT an article from the Onion, the publication that puts on seemingly ridiculous articles that appear to be real news. Sadly, this one is real! Hopefully St….

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