Australian Mother Turned Away After Asking For Help Cuts Her Wrists & Baby’s Throat

Sucharitta Milton Australian Husband/Father Blames Hospital for Wife/Mother’s Attempted Suicide & Attempted Murder of Three Week Old Baby To make you aware of the fact that America is not the only place we have so many mothers on these medications killing, or attempting to kill, their children while under the influence of antidepressants here is…

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SSRI: 100-500% Increased Risk of Heart Birth Defects If Taken In Early Pregnancy

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – If you take antidepressants such as fluoxetine (marketed as Prozac) early in your pregnancy, you may be doubling the risk that your newborn will be born with a heart defect, according to a new study.

However, the vast majority of children born to women who take such antidepressants – known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) – do not have such defects, the researchers are quick to note.

Earlier studies have tied SSRIs during pregnancy to heart defects, but also to even more serious birth defects. According to the new study of nearly half a million children born in Denmark between 1996 and 2003, however, only heart defects are likely to be associated with the antidepressants, note co-author Dr. Lars Henning Pedersen, from Aarhus University, Denmark, and colleagues.

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4/18/2001 – Paxil Is Approved for Anxiety Disorder?!

WASHINGTON, April 16 (Bloomberg News) — Glaxo- SmithKline P.L.C. has won the
Food and Drug Administration’s approval to market its antidepressant Paxil
for treating general anxiety disorder, a new use for the drug.

That makes Paxil the first drug in its class to be approved for the
condition, which affects about 10 million Americans and involves excessive,
often debilitating worrying, the company said today.

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