MUST WATCH!! Conn. Asst. Att. General: Why No Release of Medical Records in Sandy Hook Shooting

The “Prozac Eyes” of Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook School Shooting Absolutely perfect Paul Pezzack!!! You have done it again!!! Nobody does it better or says it better than you have done here in pointing out this perfect example of Adam Lanza’s “Prozac Eyes”!!! When you look at the next picture of Adam posted below at…

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Antidepressant: Woman Who Made False Accusations of Abuse at Duke Found Guilty of Murder

Crystal Magnum Found Guilty of Murder This case makes it clear why it is so important for the public and the judicial system to recognize and understand these antidepressant-induced False Accusations of Abuse or recognize any of the early toxic reactions. This case of her false accusations of abuse against the Duke players was a warning…

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