ANTIDEPRESSANT: Psychiatrist Goes Nuts: Diagnosed Bipolar as They All Are!

“Anti-depressants didn’t help the manic side of Munn’s bipolar disorder. At times his thoughts raced. He didn’t sleep. He had grandiose ideas like how to fix the entire mental health system in the state of Montana.”

“And he believed he could do anything he wanted.”

“’I felt rules didn’t apply to me. That would be grandiosity,’ he said. ‘But they do. And that’s accepting that you have a mental illness’.”

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ZOLOFT, PROZAC, Adderall & Ritalin: 18 Year Old Shoots Deputy: Critcal …

Paragraphs 11 though 14 read: “To combat attention disorders and other conditions, the teen took Ritalin, Zoloft, Prozac and Adero, among other drugs, Bryce said, toting the various prescriptions with him in a pill sorter.”

“The medicine sedated Adrian for hours. He was often unresponsive and seemingly unaware of people talking to him while on the medication, Bryce said.”

“The assortment of pills ‘took a toll on him,’ he said.”

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TOO EERY!!!!!! Re: Boy’s meds might give clinician pause today

EERY!!!!! Just yesterday I was at Von Maur in Omaha with Mark and
Donna Taylor as we stopped while driving from Salt Lake City to Des Moines!
What sent chills down my spine, even though I was too tired to feel much
after driving for about 12 hours straight with only a couple hours break, was
what I learned when I dropped Mark and Donna off at Whole Foods to pick up a few
groceries while I played on the lawn with my puppy. And as I played with
him I looked up and saw Von Maur. I caught my breath and thought “But it
does not look like a mall from here, maybe it is just another Von Maur store,
not the one where all those people died last year.”
So when the next person stopped to play with my little dog I asked
them if that happened to be the mall where the shooting was last year.
When they said yes I thought I would fall over from the shock of it all!!

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12/3/2001 • STUDIES ON RITALIN ARE CHILD ABUSE DOUGLAS MONTERO NEW YORK POST “They want to see how much these children can tolerate,” said Vera Hassner Sharav, who heads the New York-based Alliance for Human Research Protection. “The research is absolutely child abuse.” STUDIES ON RITALIN ARE CHILD ABUSE DOUGLAS MONTERO NEW YORK POST…

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