ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Murder-Suicide: 22 Year Old Kills Young Man & Self: Ireland

Relatives of killer Shane Clancy have insisted that the disturbed young man took a recent trip to Thailand to relax, and have hit out at suggestions that he was following his former girlfriend Jennifer Hannigan.

Shane, who broke up with his girlfriend Ms Hannigan (22) six months ago, planned an extended trip to Australia to rest and broke the journey with a stop off in Thailand.

Shane’s cousin Chris Clancy, who lives in Thailand with his wife, told the Herald that this was to be a time for Shane to get his thoughts together and relax in the idyllic setting of the Asian country.

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ANTIDEPRESSANTS & PAIN MEDS: Death: Former Woman Soldier: England

Chanice Ward, 29, died in April after taking a cocktail of painkillers and antidepressants in her Barford caravan, but yesterday greater Norfolk coroner William Armstrong said he could not be certain she committed suicide.

Her father maintains a belief that Miss Ward took her own life because she was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder bought on by her years in the army, and has now vowed to continue with the fight for recognition she began before she died.

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Get Off the Pharm – Written & Performed by Phil Garrison

I went to the Doc to see what’s wrong with me,

He turned out to be a pill-pusher MD,

As he reached for his pen with the drug name on it,

I said, “Stop right there, mon frer, I don’t want it!”

He said, “You must be crazy,” as I broke for the door,

Crashed into somebody, and landed on the floor,

With a slutty type of woman lookin’ down at me,

She had the names of different drugs displayed on her bikini.

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Sen. Grassley: Drug Companies “Bamboozled the FDA” on SSRI Antidepressants

“The report shows that Glaxo [makers of Paxil] knew in 1989, long before
Paxil was FDA approved, that people taking the drug were 8 times more likely to
engage in suicidal behavior than people given a placebo, or sugar pill. Now,
it stands to reason that even the most depressed person would decline to take
Paxil if given these facts. Also, parents certainly would decline if they
were told about the risks. . . .

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