“It was truly the worst experience I’ve ever had and will never blindly take those drugs again…”
I just want people to know that there is a whole lot to this problem that no one is talking about. I have been put on several anti-depressants for CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) by one doctor, and put on another anti-depressant for pain. I was told these drugs are used to increase the amount of chemicals in your brain that buffer pain. I flat out told everyone loud and long that I was not depressed, but still they hand out anti-depressants like they are candy. I suffered terrible reactions to them. I would have such vivid nightmares that I could feel what it was like to stab someone, I could hear blade against bone. It was truly the worst experience I’ve ever had and will never blindly take those drugs again, although they are still trying to give them to me. My daughter is in college, and the largest number of people on this drug now I would guess would have to be college students. They hand them out like candy to these kids and they are really getting screwed up over this. Several of her friends have become suicidal. I don’t think anyone who isn’t a shrink, should not be allowed to prescribe these drugs. Please do a show on the miss-prescribing of this drug.
Thanks for your good work.
Bonny Jacobson
Years 2000 and Prior
This is Survivor Story number 44.
Total number of stories in current database is 96