Columbine 20th Anniversary – How to Bury the Truth

It was 20 years ago this weekend that Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold walked up to Columbine with guns drawn, Eric under the influence of the antidepressant Luvox & Dylan under the influence of Zoloft & Paxil, according to a report from his good friend attempting to help him withdraw from the medications. When they were done suffering the antidepressant side effects of both suicidal & homicidal ideation, 12 students laid dead, along with one school teacher, plus Eric & Dylan themselves. The victims were Cassie Bernall, 17,  Steven Curnow, 14, Corey DePooter, 17, Kelly Fleming, 16, Matthew Kechter, Daniel Mauser, 15, Daniel Rohrbough, 15, Rachel Scott, 17, Isaiah Shoels, 18,  John Tomlin, 16, Lauren Townsend, 18, Kyle Velasquez, 16, and school teacher William “Dave” Sanders. To that list I would also add as victims Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold because they too were victims of these deadly drugs which caused them to not only take all of these lives due to the side effect of homicidal ideation, but suicidal ideation as well, thereby losing their own lives as well by their own hands. We do know that the most dangerous time and taking these drugs is an abrupt change in dose…so any increase or decrease as in starting the drugs, stopping the drugs, or switching the drugs. Eric complained of homicidal ideation in six weeks of starting on Zoloft, so he was switched to Luvox (Spell the name of an SSRI differently & you get a different reaction, right? WRONG!) & within two months of the Columbine shooting Eric’s dose of Luvox was DOUBLED!
Threat Against Columbine Repeated This Week
On Monday of this week Sol Pais,  an 18 year old girl, from Miami, FL, who was obsessed with Columbine & the shooters, flew to Denver, CO, bought a shotgun & ammo, setting off a frenzy with concern of another school shooting & resulting in as many as 1000 Colorado schools being shut down!
Woman ‘infatuated’ with Columbine, center of manhunt, found dead by suicide in Colorado, sources say
It was Facebook posts like this drawing she had on her computer that concerned investigators when they already knew she was fascinated with the Columbine shooting.
She was found at the base of a tree & her “body was still clothed in the same camouflage pants and black T-shirt, and she had a small duffel bag that contained two boxes of shotgun shells” all within arm’s reach & certainly not suitable for the cold weather.
April 20, 1999 – 20 Years Ago

The morning if April 20, 1999, I contacted Ruben Ortega, Chief of Police in Salt Lake City, to discuss with him the case of the Salt Lake LDS Family History Library shooting which happened 5 days earlier & had taken the life of my good friend Don Thomas. Don had been the security guard at the library for 28 years. Don & I had many long talks in the lobby of that very library about the dangers he was facing as a result of so many in Utah using antidepressants. I urged him over and over to be extremely careful in his position. I explained that as those on these drugs lose the memory of who they are they often turn to family history in an attempt to recall any memories to bind them to their loved ones. Sadly Don learned that lesson first hand that morning as he lost his life along with a woman who was a guest at the library before Salt Lake City police arrived shooting and killing the shooter 70 year old Sergei Babarin.
Local media quickly reported that Sergey Babarin was schizophrenic, something he has never been diagnosed with and was not being treated for. This was especially a far reach when General Lee those suffering schizophrenia are diagnosed in their late teens or early twenties, not in their 60s or 70s! I owed it to my friend to learn the truth and do what I could to get that truth about his death out to the public and his family. My suspicions that this was an antidepressant-induced psychosis we’re quickly confirmed as the shooter’s son spoke to the media setting them straight on his antidepressant use. I soon met Sergei’s son let me know that his father had noticed his antidepressant what’s causing him the lose his eyesight just as we would later hear about the Germanwings pilot who flew 150 people to their deaths when he slammed a passenger plane into a Mountainside in the Alps.
Because of his rapidly deteriorating eyesight, Sergei had abruptly discontinued the use of his antidepressant unaware of the extreme dangers of making abrupt changes to the dose of the drug.  There were not and still are not any warnings about the drug withdrawal state known as REM Sleep Disorder – a condition we now know that 86% of those being diagnosed with this deadly sleep disorder, in which you act out nightmares in a sleep state, were found to be taking antidepressants. Yet before we learned that this was generally known as a drug withdrawal state. But now in knowing that u65 of those diagnosed with this deadly sleep disorder are currently taking an antidepressant, how high could it be for those in abrupt withdrawal from one of these drugs since in the past this was known mainly as a drug withdrawal state?! This is why behavior on these drugs is so very much the opposite of what the individual would normally do. Why it is the best moms who kill their children, the best firefighters who commit arson, etc. This is information that should be headline news about these drugs & the very first warning given to a patient being prescribed an antidepressant!!!
As I explained all of this to Chief Ortega he brought up another recent case from January of 1999 at the Triad Center in Salt Lake City where a woman ran in with the gun and shot two people. One of those shot was a pregnant woman who lost her baby. Article: Triad Shooting
Chief Ortega pointed out that the woman shooter was also on these drugs. He then asked if I thought what was happening in Colorado at Columbine High School as we were speaking could possibly be a result of these drugs as well. I replied that I do not generally see two people go off the deep end at the same time on these drugs. But I told him that if these boys ended up killing themselves after the shooting I would be almost certain that they were taking antidepressants. Ironically when I checked timelines I found that I was making that statement right about the same time Eric and Dylan were committing suicide! The chief has been asked if I would join him in doing a press conference on this subject. I agreed. But sadly very shortly after that Chief Ortega retired after learning his wife was dying of cancer. They quickly moved back to their home in Phoenix Arizona where he had previously served as police chief for Phoenix. So the opportunity of doing a press conference it was no longer possible.
                         Columbine & Antidepressants
Only days after Columbine we learned from a neighbor of Eric Harris that he had recently been turned down for the military because he was taking the antidepressant Luvox. Interestingly I learned that information on Eric’s antidepressant use as I was about to do a radio interview with a local station in Salt Lake City along with a Japanese Associated Press reporter who was sent to Utah to spend a week with me to learn more about these drugs because the antidepressant Luvox was about to be released in Japan as the first SSRI antidepressant in that country! Needless to say, the look upon the reporters face as that news came across the wire was one of total shock and disbelief! Actually, because he had already read my book on antidepressants, Prozac Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare!, his disbelief was not centered in the science behind how these drugs could have played an in the violence produced at Columbine. Rather his disbelief was in how ironic it was that it was the same drug that his own country was about to face as their first experience with these drugs. In fact, it was only a month or two later after him returning home that he called to let me know that they had just had a case of a man on Luvox kill a pilot with a knife and take over a passenger plane!
The newspaper USA Today ran an article on the 10th anniversary of Columbine entitled “The Myths of Columbine”. I believe it was myth #2 that the shooters were taking antidepressants! I immediately contacted the reporter to ask him how he had missed one of the biggest lawsuits filed in the last decade. Of course, he immediately knew I was talking about Columbine survivor Mark Taylor’s case against Solvay causing their drug Luvox to shoot Mark 6 -13 times that day.and he replied, “Oh you mean the Luvox? I guess I better change that.” I learned later that Dr. Peter Bretton had also contacted the reporter with the same information. But instead, the reporter made no changes within the week he had to do so allowing that false information to be spread nationwide that weekend. To this day I still have people telling me that Eric and Dylan were not on any antidepressants!
And now for the 20th Anniversary at Columbine current students there have joined together with David Hogg in his movement for gun control, “March for Our Lives”, to promote stickers to be placed on student IDs requesting that in the case they die of gun violence that pictures of their bodies be published for the world to see. Mark Taylor was known as the “Columbine Wonder Boy” after he survived 6 – 13 gunshots at Columbine He was so bad that the doctor at the hospital called Mark’s family doctor to say, “I have one of your patients here. He is dead but he’s talking to me!” That will give you some idea of how badly he was damaged. But when I shared this new idea on the sticker for IDs with Mark he was puzzled by the idea & wondered out loud what good they thought that would do in stopping these shootings.
The fake news you have heard about since President Trump came into office has actually been around for many years now! This is how Pharma bury’s the truth about their drugs! One lie on top of another until no one knows what the truth really is! Learning from history is extremely important! When that history is falsified people are harmed and die as a result. A perfect example of that is what has happened in Parkland, Florida this past year. After the school shooting there all people heard about were the guns & not the shooter’s nearly life – long history of using these drugs that increase serotonin & thereby produce extreme violence.
In fact, the survivors have been lied to, unlike anything I have heard to date! If you have the stomach to listen to those lies by clicking the following link to listen to a PhD from Columbia publicly state, contrary to FDA warnings, even Black Box Warnings, that antidepressants absolutely do not cause suicide and that that suffering grief over the loss of their friends should most definitely be given these drugs for treatment!
Obviously, this woman has not read the court testimony of her colleague at Columbia, Dr. John Mann, who has studied the effects of inhibiting serotonin (considered the therapeutic effect of SSRIs) for decades. In 2001 Dr. Mann was compelled to testify under oath that the expected result of these antidepressants inhibiting serotonin metabolism would be “impulsive murder or suicide”! So not only is she going against FDA warnings, FDA Black Box Warnings, but also against the court testimony of her own colleague who is considered one of the leading experts on serotonin!
As a result of this within the past few weeks, we have seen two of those young survivors commit suicide! I have little doubt the first one was taking antidepressants because she had already been given a label of PTSD from “Survivor’s Guilt. Couple that with the very violent method of suicide by shooting herself – violence is rarely seen in women before the introduction of the SSRI antidepressants & it becomes quite clear she was being given one of these drugs.
I am still waiting for more information on the second suicide. But yet another shocking case happened in Connecticut where a father who lost his daughter at Sandy Hook, a neuropsychopharmacologist flew to Florida to lecture to the kids from Parkland just before these two suicides. He too killed himself only days after the second survivor’s suicide! And I don’t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out that a neuropsychopharmacologist would also be on one of these drugs that he was promoting to these children.

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