Social Media Censorship – Our Database Website Banned This Week

Saturday, May 4, Tucker Carlson on Fox News addressed Facebook Censorship on social media. I believe like me, you will see little difference in this situation & Nazi book burning, especially after seeing the short video clip of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg telling us how beneficial it is for all of us that they are “protecting” us. How are they protecting us? They are doing so by keeping us from all the “misinformation” they have deemed we need to be protected from.

This week Facebook has banned our database of cases where you see one case after another, after another, after another, involving suicides out of the blue, school shootings, mass killings, murder/suicides, mothers & fathers killing their own children & children killing their parents, grandparents killing their own grandchildren & grandchildren killing their grandparents, teachers seducing students, false allegations of sexual abuse, embezzlement, etc, etc, etc – all triggered by antidepressants & other serotonergic drugs which are touted to be safe & effective.
This is the public safety information the judge in the first big Prozac-induced workplace violence case of Joseph Wesbecker at Standard Gravure in Louisville, KY said should never be kept from the public because it is such an important public safety issue.
This is the death toll which testifies against these drugs.
This is the blood shed by the innocent that cries out for justice. This is what they are attempting to silence! No one is being allowed to share it even in a private message!
Keep in mind that this website database has been used in medical research articles since 2007. Keep in mind that our database of cases which is the www.SSRIstories.Net site has been used in medical research articles since 2007. To give you an example here is the first one:
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors –
SSRI Drugs More Risks Than Benefits
And yet Facebook will not allow the website to be shared anywhere on Facebook or even in any newspapers which allow their comments to be posted on Facebook! But know that every time you share any post I put our it will always include a link to that database of cases so this information can continue to be shared with those who need these warnings.
                                         Burying the Truth
This is what I meant in my last post on Columbine when I used the phrase about Pharma “burying the truth” – something Pharma excels in! If you can hide your crimes you can continue to get away with committing those crimes. This is the main reason we have a criminal justice system.
But this type of censorship is what I have seen so much of in the 30 years I have worked to raise awareness of the extreme dangers of these drugs. I have seen silence bought, bribed, or coerced in so many ways & in ways, I never would have dreamed of!
One of the first was submitting my book on antidepressants to the largest health book distributor, Nutrabook, because all the health stores, which could not keep the copies on their shelves due to the demand, said it would be easier for them to get it that way. To my shock & the shock of all the store owners & naturopaths, chiropractors, etc. I knew they turned it down.
They all said something MUST be wrong & insisted I submit it again. So I did. And it was again turned down! All of them then begged me to call & ask why. When I did, after many years of being involved in natural health, I could not believe the answer I got! They said the reason was they already carried the book, Listening to Prozac (the book everyone has always believed to be commissioned by Eli Lilly to kick off the marketing for their blockbuster drug) &  because they carried that book they “did not want to confuse their customers!” I was so shocked that this company would carry a book promoting a drug rather than natural substances my only reply was, “Hello?! Is this NUTRAbook?!!”
(Years later Columbine survivor Mark Taylor, his mother & I paid a visit to the head of Nutrabook, in Denver, CO. We made that visit so Mark could deliver a copy of Insight Magazine from the Washington Times by Kelly Omeara on how Columbine was caused by the antidepressants. Mark handed the man a copy & told him it was to thank him for helping to cause Columbine in his own backyard by choosing to carry a book promoting these drugs while refusing to carry a book warning about the dangers. Of course, we were immediately shown the door. 🙂 Mark should have lifted his shirt so he could see the evidence of the 6-13 bullets & the subsequent surgeries!)
I have seen whole sections of major newspapers discontinued because they were printing so much of my work pointing out the adverse effects of these drugs.
I have seen a major radio station with many millions of listeners bought out where I had been a frequent guest on this subject, with LOTS of airtime (3 & 4 hour shows). Of course, that kind of interest was generated because so many were being adversely affected by these drugs. But even though I held the position of their top guest, a position I held along with one other guest, from the day that sale went through for that station, I was no longer ever on that show!
I have seen news editors who refused to print articles written & submitted by their own reporters. All this was because they were negative reports on cases involving the antidepressants.
I saw Amazon pull my book on antidepressants, Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare!, for two years. They told people looking for the book that the book was out of print even though I called them over & over again to inform them the book was most definitely in print & demanded they take that false statement off their website. Even threatening them with an attorney did no good.
That is just a small sampling of things that have happened to keep people from learning about these cases which is why I have often said if you really want to learn the truth about these drugs, read court transcripts!
Before anymore censoring occurs I would encourage everyone to go to our main website at  & sign up for our newsletter so that we do not lose contact with any of you as this censorship war continues. Pharma would like nothing more than for that to happen.

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