From the son of my dear friend Karol Truman, here is Dan Truman & his group, Diamond Rio, Singing “In God We Still Trust” https://youtu.be/6uUwpnLlmrE And here is an interesting & inspiring note from Karol, author of the incredible book I have LONG recommended, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.” “What an amazing accomplishment for those…

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Chemical Warfare in Syria? Or the United States?

Thanks to our New Zealand director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness (www.drugawareness.org) and Paul Pezzack from the UK for taking my message about chemical warfare and putting it into a media format that is clear as a bell!!!!!! This is exactly the question I was asking a couple of days ago on our Facebook page about our president being upset enough about the possibility of chemical warfare being used by the government in Syria against their own people!

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School Shooting Is Another Opening to Talk About Guns

After working as an expert in school shootings for the past two decades I have to disagree with the idea that school shootings are a gun problem or a bully problem. The world should have been able to see that after Josh Powell set his home on fire with him & his two children inside. There are many ways to kill if you are determined to do so.

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