7/17/2000 – Call for Stories and Photos.

Dear ICFDA eGroups subscribers….

This is a rather different message, and a difficult one at that.

As many of you may know, my wife and I lost our 13-year son to
an SSRI-induced suicide three years ago next week.

In a few weeks we will be going to trial here in Kansas City in
attempt to prove that Pfizer has long known about the
relationship between their drug Zoloft, and violent or suicidal
actions. (information posted at justiceseekers.com)

It most likely will be a long, difficult and personally taxing ordeal.

My wife and I have chosen to pursue this litigation because we
believe there need to be changes in the ways these drugs are
marketed and labeled, especially by doctors who prescribe
off-label to children.

We know we are not going into this alone. We have outstanding
legal representation. We have the prayers of many who have
also suffered. We know that all those who have died on these
medications, and they are far too numerous to mention, stand
with us. (It is no understatement to say that we feel their
presence every day. Perhaps even your own loved ones.) And
we ultimately know that the good Lord blesses our efforts—this
“rising up in righteous anger.”

In the coming weeks, we will have an opportunity to share our
story with many people, especially within the news media. In
fact, we have an important interview with a national news
organization in August.

And that’s why I’m writing.

One of the things that most convinced us that Matt’s medicine
was responsible for his actions were the countless letters we
have received from our website. They still come in every day.
For the most part, they represent a tragic realization that the
“cure” was “cause.”

If you have suffered on SSRI medications, specifically Prozac,
Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone, Celexa (or any other
serotonergic medicine), please send me a photo and a short
paragraph on a separate piece of 8 1/2″ X 11″ paper stating what
happened. It could be as simple as “My brother took his life on
Zoloft after three weeks of use,” or “I almost lost my life trying to
withdraw from Paxil.” Please use names and addresses and
phone numbers. I want to build a scrapbook to share with the

Perhaps with your help, we can make a difference. And your
help in building this scrapbook will go a long ways to show the
human dimension to this national tragedy.

If you can, please send a photo and short paragraph to me by
August 15, 2000 to:

13920 Garnett
Overland Park, KS 66221

Or if you prefer, email me your photo (preferably as JPEG file)
and paragraph to me at mmiller1@…. I will not be able
to return originals, but I will let you know I’ve received them.

Thank you for your cooperation. Obviously some of you reached
by this email will not have had a personally devastating
experience with these drugs, and for that I am grateful. But, if you
have, please take a moment to help out in this way.

I know this book will make a powerful statement with whomever
we talk to.

Thank you again…Mark and Cheryl Miller

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