January 22, 2025
The Council of Europe member states will launch an inquiry in January 2010 on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign, focusing especially on extent of the pharma‘s industry’s influence on WHO. The Health Committee of the EU Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inquiry. The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency of a “Golden Triangle” of drug corruption between WHO, the pharma industry and academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even caused death.

NOTE FROM Ann Blake-Tracy:

Well it appears that Senator Grassley’s persistent questioning
about ties between academic scientists, the pharma industry, and the
FDA has caught on in Europe. The EU Parliment has UNANIMOUSLY called for an
investigation and now the hard questions are having to be answered in the
bogus Swine Flu Pandemic.
And as we were warned in Rev. 18:23 & 24 this great
deception that will cover the earth in our day concerning “sorceries” (the Greek
translation being “pharmakia” – meaning medicine from a pharmacy) is
becoming more obvious by the minute as we are shown the close ties
between those who are suppose to declare safety, science and truth about them
and those who profit from them.
The reason for the deception
is made clear as day – $$$$$$$.
With new information continuing to come out and estimates that
50% of the new medical research is not real research, but instead bogus
infomercials that have been ordered and paid for by the drug industry, it is
apparent that t
his whole medical-industrial complex is
completely broken and corrupt to the core!
Ann Blake-Tracy
The Health Committee of the EU Parliament has
unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inquiry. The step is a
long-overdue move to public transparency of a “Golden Triangle” of drug
corruption between WHO [World Health Organization], the pharma industry and
academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even
caused death.

European Parliament to Investigate WHO and “Pandemic”

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William Engdahl

Global Research
December 31, 2009

Council of Europe member states will launch an inquiry in January 2010 on the
influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign,
focusing especially on extent of the pharma‘s industry’s influence on WHO. The
Health Committee of the EU Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution
calling for the inquiry. The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency
of a “Golden Triangle” of drug corruption between WHO, the pharma industry and
academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even
caused death.

parliament motion was introduced by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former SPD Member of
the German Bundestag and now Chairman of the European Parliament Health
Committee. Wodarg is a medical doctor and epidemiologist, a specialist in lung
disease and environmental medicine, who considers the current “pandemic” Swine
Flu campaign of the WHO to be “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the

The text of the resolution just passed by a sufficient number in the
Council of Europe Parliament says among other things, “In order to promote their
patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced
scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to
alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for
inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people
to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested
vaccines. The “bird-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the
“swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some
vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and
accountability of important international health-agencies.”[2]

Parliamentary inquiry will look into the issue of „falsified pandemic“ that was
declared by WHO in June 2009 on the advice of its group of academic experts,
SAGE, many of whose members have been documented to have intense financial ties
to the same pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Novartis, who
benefit from the production of drugs and untested H1N1 vaccines. They will
investigate the influence of the pharma industry in creation of a worldwide
campaign against the so-called H5N1 “Avian Flu” and H1N1 Swine Flu. The inquiry
will be given “urgent” priority in the general assembly of the parliament.

his official statement to the Committee, Wodarg criticized the influence of the
pharma industry on scientists and officials of WHO, stating that it has led to
the situation where “unnecessarily millions of healthy people are exposed to the
risk of poorly tested vaccines,” and that, for a flu strain that is “vastly less
harmful” than all previous flu epidemics.

says the role of the WHO and its the pandemic emergency declaration in June
needs to be the special focus of the European Parliamentary inquiry. For the
first time, the WHO criteria for a pandemic was changed in April 2009 as the
first Mexico cases were reported, to make not the actual risk of a disease but
the number of cases of the disease basis to declare “Pandemic.” By classifying
the swine flu as pandemic, nations were compelled to implement pandemic plans
and also the purchase swine flu vaccines. Because WHO is not subject to any
parliamentary control, Wodarg argues it is necessary for governments to insist
on accountability. The inquiry will also to look at the role of the two critical
agencies in Germany issuing guidelines on the pandemic, the Paul-Ehrlich and the
Robert-Koch Institute.


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