ANTIDEPRESSANT, PAIN KILLER & ALCOHOL: Soldier: Suicide Attempt: Iraq/Colorado

Paragraphs three through five read: “It did not work. He was prescribed a list of medications for anxiety, nightmares, depression, and headaches that made him feel listless and disoriented.” “His weekly session with a nurse case manager seemed inadequate to him. And noncommissioned officers ­ soldiers supervising the unit ­ harangued or disciplined him when…

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Ban Avandia & Save Per Month 300 from Heart Failure & 500 from Heart Attacks!

The reports, obtained by The New York Times, say that if every diabetic now taking Avandia were instead given a similar pill named Actos, about 500 heart attacks and 300 cases of heart failure would be averted every month because Avandia can hurt the heart. Avandia, intended to treat Type 2 diabetes, is known as rosiglitazone and was linked to 304 deaths during the third quarter of 2009.
“Rosiglitazone should be removed from the market,” one report, by Dr. David Graham and Dr. Kate Gelperin of the Food and Drug Administration, concludes. Both authors recommended that Avandia be withdrawn.

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