A Tribute To Lisa Marie Presley: Gone Too Soon at Age 54. Seems The Whole World is Living the Serotonin Nightmare!

No matter who you are or the status you hold in our world the Serotonin Nightmare plagues us all. When Pharmacist Maris Malikoff presented testimony at the FDA’s first hearing on Prozac in 1991 she told everyone that this drug was NOT a “medication”, but a very dangerous & deadly drug & warned the day…

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ZOLOFT: Comedian Phil Hartman Tragedy – Tonight on ABC’s 20/20

Many of you are aware that I was the expert who worked with the Hartman family to gather the evidence  against Zoloft in this tragic destruction of yet another beautiful family.  After his wife, Brynn, had her Zoloft dose cut in half by her doctor  three weeks earlier she went into the deadly antidepressant induced…

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Anniversary: 3 Nurses on SSRIs on Trial Over 3 Month Period for Killing Their 11 Children

Sunday the Chicago Tribune carried the story of Marilyn Lemak, the nurse married to a doctor, who 20 years ago, killed her 3 children in their Naperville home. The case still haunts law enforcement but not for the right reasons because no one ever learned the truth about why this happened! Had the case been…

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My horrible experience with antidepressants [zoloft]

I was in the marines from 2005-2009 as infantry and went on two combat deployments to Iraq. I was having a rough time after my second deployment and was put on so many different antidepressants that seemed to do nothing at all. I I received were empty promises of feeling better in 4-6 weeks. After a honorable discharge I began going to the Veterans Association where I was prescribed zoloft within 5 minutes of speaking with a phychitrist.

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