Kendrex White, 21 year old pre-med student charged with murder for stabbing death at the University of Texas, AustinYet another drugged up future medical professional! Cannot count how many cases like this I have investigated over the past three decades! Who knows how many the world will have to witness before they finally wake up to this medication induced nightmare! You can see all of the details on this case in the link to the news story at the bottom of this post. You will learn he was arrested before for a DUI (and hopefully you know enough about antidepressants to know they cause cravings for alcohol and you can find all that documentation here on our site or in mor detail in my book on the drugs, Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? Our Serotonin Nightmare!). When he was arrested then he said he had taken two pills of Zoloft. So what is he on now? Obviously he is experiencing the side effect of “homicidal ideation” which I would refer you to the post below where I have another patient who explains the reality of what homicidal ideation was for him after only two Zoloft – the same thing this fellow said he took.Nurses have been telling me for years that 75% of doctors and nurses are on these drugs. And I hear repeatedly from doctors whose cases I have worked that the drugging started in medical school and continues for years into their careers. Those who peddle illegal drugs on street corners are in similar positions with those selling the drugs hooked on them also. Sadly there is apparently little difference rather than the one is a “respected professional” drug pusher and the other the guy on the street corner. Is it any wonder that NPR reported several years ago that 60% of cases of violence are happening in medical establishments?Take a look at my post from a few weeks ago to see what just two pills of Zoloft can do and ask what this guy is on now…still Zoloft or just another brand of the same antidepressant drugs so similar to PCP?
“Homicidal Ideation” Described by Patient Who Suffered
This Antidepressant-Induced Side Effect
“Only two days on Zoloft and I wanted death bad – I wanted death like I wanted a new Ferrari…
but I wanted it not just for me, but for everyone!!!”
“I am a veteran of 15 years. I have seen the disasters from prescription medications especially the ones we were issued to treat PTSD and other mental illnesses. A couple of years ago, I agreed to take Zoloft as suggested by my doctor for depression. I had denied it for years.
“Within 2 days I waas truly suicidal. I wanted death bad. It wasn’t like the normal suicidal thoughts where I felt so depressed I would rather be dead, it was more like I wanted death like I wanted a new Ferrari. But not just for me, I wanted it for everyone! I wanted to get my friends together and thought let’s all die together. I have been confused by how this drug can make you feel this way. I certainly felt why so many commit suicide on these drugs and why it is a listed side effect! I tried to OD, but I sucked at it fortunately. I never touched another pill again.