ZOLOFT & LITHIUM WITHDRAWAL? American Sniper Killer Eddie Ray Routh Found Guilty

Eddie Ray Routh Even though “Routh had been diagnosed with a variety of conditions, including psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress.” And his own victim Chris Kyle, stated just before Routh killed him that Routh was: “straight up nuts” plus he had only been out of a psych ward for a week, released on an…

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Military Using Trumped Up “Mental Health Issues” as Means to Avoid Paying Benefits

 Sergeant Chuck Luther The best way to chemically create symptoms of “personality disorder” is to prescribe antidepressant medications!!! PERSONALITY DISORDER DISCHARGES: IMPACT ON VETERANS’ BENEFITS Wednesday, September 15, 2010 U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Washington, DC. Sergeant Chuck Luther is a disturbing example of how the Army applies a personality disorder…

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Stop Eli Lilly from Suing Canada for Half a Billion for Reduced Profits!!!!!

Please go here to sign a petition http://action.sumofus.org/a/eli-lilly/ in order to stop this suit by Eli Lilly the makers of three SSRI and SNRI antidepressants: Prozac, Stratera, and Cymbalta and the makers of LSD among other deadly drugs! We should be suing them for the extensive loss of life and production due to that loss…

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Trading Money for Mayhem: Anti-depressants’ Deadly Effects on America

  Trading Money for Mayhem: Anti-depressants’ Deadly Effects on America JUNE 25, 2014 Posted by: KELLY GNEITING Reddit I am Ann Blake Tracy, author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare. Since early 1990 I have devoted every minute of my life to researching and writing about the SSRI antidepressant drugs. Since 1992…

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My horrible experience with antidepressants [zoloft]

I was in the marines from 2005-2009 as infantry and went on two combat deployments to Iraq. I was having a rough time after my second deployment and was put on so many different antidepressants that seemed to do nothing at all. I I received were empty promises of feeling better in 4-6 weeks. After a honorable discharge I began going to the Veterans Association where I was prescribed zoloft within 5 minutes of speaking with a phychitrist.

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