Ann Blake-Tracy’s Response to the “March for Our Lives”

How sad and tragic that these children are being exploited by getting them  to focus on guns as the issue in school violence while allowing the real perpetrators of this violence to not only go free, but to increase the profits of the perpetrators as well as increasing the violence by missing the obvious! After the 3 decades I have spent tracking, investigating & documenting all these tragedies I wonder how long it can possibly take to wake up society to the blatantly obvious?!!! Allow me to explain.
Do guns carry a warning that owning one will cause homicidal & suicidal ideation (Which is obsessive compulsive thoughts of killing oneself or others along with ruminating thoughts of various methods of killing)?
Do bathtubs carry such a warning? Kitchen knives? Bombs? Cars? Buses? Machetes? Hammers? Baseball bats? Crow bars? Hachets? Axes? Shovels? Cross bows? Chain saws? Circular saws? Cars? Buses? Trucks? Planes?
No, not one of them carry those warnings even though I have seen all of those used as weapons in these cases of mass violence. So are we going to ban all of these as well? Of course not!

Common Denominator

In School Violence

But there is one very common denominator in all of these tragedies that do actually carry those warnings that they can cause both homicidal and suicidal ideation. Here is a long list of many of those cases of school violence. Let me know if you see the common denominator I am speaking of…
That common denominator you see in these cases is the one big difference we have seen in our society since these nightmares began flooding our world – drugs we call antidepressants! These are drugs identical in action to a slow acting or gradual PCP or LSD effect leading one into hallucinations, suicide, violent crime & psychotic breaks, which reactions have been found to occur at a far higher rate in those under age 25 whose brains are yet developing!!
How insane it would be to ban all these things when all we need to do is to ban the drugs that clearly demonstrate in medical research & in patient reports that they cause this behavior. They also have been found in court cases to produce mass murder suicide after taking only two doses of the drug! (TOBIN vs GLAXO)

Watch this short video interview of the only school shooter to ever explain why he took a gun to School – a hard working 16 year old farm boy, who was very close to his parents, head of his church’s youth group, good student who was finishing up his Eagle Scout & preparing to serve a two year mission for his church. His only “mental illness”? He was shy!….

Now watch this 3 minute video of Mark Taylor, the Columbine  Miracle Boy, who survived 7 to 13 bullets that day, as he lays blame at the feet of the FDA, those partially responsible for causing Columbine….

Michael Moore

“Not Guns, But Drugs”

And if that is not enough you can watch this short video statement by Michael Moore, yes the same Michael Moore who produced the movie Bowling for Columbine. If you will recall the purpose of that movie seemed to be getting rid of guns after that mass shooting. But listen to him call that all “BS” after looking at the evidence behind these drugs which have been the common denominator in nearly every school shooting this country has ever seen…

You can additionally view a very large searchable database  of thousands of additional cases of extreme violence  and bizarre behavior  as a result of these drugs  at…

Serotonin the key to violence

Click this link to learn the science behind  violence  being caused by elevated serotonin levels – exactly what  antidepressants are designed to create in the human brain!

For additional supporting scientific information…

…. see two of my three minute testimonies before the FDA Advisory Committee on Antidepressants & the impact they’re having upon our society as a whole. Then listen to one of my most favorite lectures I gave before several thousand at a Young Living Oils convention, along with fellow speakers Dr. Joseph Mercola & actor Clint Walker of the TV series Gunsmoke.

Click below to listen to the lecture:

Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness &

Author: “Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”





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