Zoloft – an enemy attacking me
Reading on Face Book where you made mention of Andrea Roberts shooting her husband and two children two weeks after starting on Zoloft. That really does give me a chill.
Reading on Face Book where you made mention of Andrea Roberts shooting her husband and two children two weeks after starting on Zoloft. That really does give me a chill.
Shellie Zimmerman Only weeks ago I posted about George Zimmerman being on Adderall when Trayvon Martin was killed and that the drug could have produced paranoia where there was little to no reason for it and triggered the extreme violence of the attack…leading to a death that could have been prevented. Well now George Zimmerman…
City Creek Mall ANTIDEPRESSANTS??? So sure am I on this one that I hesitate to even put question marks after the question about antidepressants being involved in this case! Jack Harry Stiles, 42, is being held on a $1 Million bond after first telling an officer at a hospital that he was planning to kill…
Candace Beebe Pert 1946 – 2013 It is with a deep sense of loss and great sadness I must announce the sudden death of our long time board member and dear friend Dr. Candace Pert as reported in the Washington Post just last night. Candace was a giant in her field of expertise and an…
Geoffrey Portway Man Pleads Guilty to Plan to Kidnap, Rape, Then Kill & Eat Children This case is a tough one to even read about, but these cases are real and have been happening since the introduction of Prozac to the market and cannot be ignored. If you look at the picture above you will…
Sucharitta Milton Australian Husband/Father Blames Hospital for Wife/Mother’s Attempted Suicide & Attempted Murder of Three Week Old Baby To make you aware of the fact that America is not the only place we have so many mothers on these medications killing, or attempting to kill, their children while under the influence of antidepressants here is…
Aaron Alexis TRAZADONE: 13 Dead in Washington DC Naval Yard Shooting This morning the New York Times released the fact that over the past month Aaron Alexis has been on the antidepressant, Trazadone (Desyrel), given to treat insomnia. (See quotes below.) Of course I am not finished asking questions. I want to know what he…
Someone just shared this article with me and asked what my opinion of it was. The subject of the article is the possibility of antidepressants causing a worsening of depression and possible long term depression. Now Antidepressant-Induced Chronic Depression Has a Name: Tardive Dysphoria Robert Whitaker June 30, 2011 Three recently published papers, along…
Traumatic Brain Injuries Linked to Higher Military Suicides Or … Is It Really Antidepressants Prescribed to Those With Traumatic Brain Injuries Which Produces Higher Rates of Suicide? According to research at the University of Utah, traumatic brain injuries put troops at a higher risk of suicide. They also found that those with more than one…
Guilty of Afghan Massacre – Staff Sgt Robert Bales Says, “I don’t know why” In March of 2012 Staff Sgt Robert Bales ran into an Afghan village in the middle of the night and shot 22 innocent citizens, killing 16 of them including small children. He has just been sentenced to life in prison without…