Zoloft – an enemy attacking me

SSRI survivor Stories – Zoloft

Dear Ann,

Reading on Face Book where you made mention of Andrea Roberts shooting her husband and two children two weeks after starting on Zoloft. That really does give me a chill.

You might remember my testimony for Jesus, how that after being on Zoloft for two weeks exactly. I had this strange episode where I fell into a violent hallucination not knowing anything or anyone. It was like being plunged into another dimension of pure murderous rage where I was a mindless vicious animal. And my Mother who was the only one near by, was perceived as being an enemy attacking me.

It was a nightmare state of delusion like a false reality. And my eyes were suddenly flashing around the room to find an object to grab as a weapon. It was like watching out through my eyes as this scene unfolded, like as if I was not in control at all. And yet at the very same time, being aware that I was this other person who was totally in control. But yet not having the power or reason to even know if what was happening was even right or wrong. It was what being ”demon possessed” is like. And I was suddenly there in this demonic dimension where ”kill or be killed” seemed to be the only options. It was like a state of pure murderous rage.

Yet just when my eyes locked on a two by four piece of wood, the Holy Spirit within me snapped me out of this evil spell. In that I suddenly remembered who Mom was and I was hit with the evil horror of what I was about to do. Drugs like Zoloft which are like PCP and LSD combined open the soul to demons.

I realize that no one can be taken seriously bringing up this aspect of things in the secular fight against these drugs. And there is certainly enough medical and physical evidence to their danger without even considering the spiritual reality at play. I just want people to know that as a true Believer in Jesus and praying in Jesus Name, pleading the protective power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ over ourselves and loved ones. Especially those forced to take these drugs. – It can and will protect them from such attacks. We have the power to bind the dark forces of Satan and connecting the dots it is not hard to make the Occult / Conspiracy connection between these drugs and the agenda of the Occult powers that be in high places.

After the Holy Spirit snapped me out of that spell, saving both Mom and myself, as well as our loved ones from that horror which Satan intended to cause that day. I went outside away from Mom (Who didn’t even know what almost took place.) and I began to cry heavily, thinking I was demon possessed or totally insane. I can tell you for 100% percent certainty that demon spirits are always involved in these murders and murder suicides. That evil I remember feeling was pure demonic. I also know that it was no coincidence that I turned on my radio later that very evening after praying all day for an answer from God. Wondering how such a thing could have happened.

What were the chances that I would come across you doing a Radio interview about Zoloft and listening as you talked about case after case of people who killed others and themselves after being on Zoloft for two weeks. Only God Himself could have pre-arranged that radio interview to air that very day when I needed most desperately to hear it for some real answers.

That was back in 2001. – My Mom just passed away a couple weeks ago. (9-16-13) She died the death of a righteous soul in such peace as she saw either an angel or Jesus waiting at the foot of her bed. She suddenly looked right at me then looked away towards the foot of the bed. What ever she saw made her smile really big and then in the twinkling of an eye she was instantly gone. She was not on any drug to numb her and there was no painful struggle. There was no fear or uncertainty. We watched as she just smiled so peacefully and instantly left this world behind.

Mom’s life could have ended so differently back in 2001. – Myself and my family escaped the horrors that so many others face in these tragic and needless murder / murder suicides.

During that season in 2001 when this took place. I was in prayer often asking God to place a hedge of protection round about myself and my loved ones. I’m not talking about quick tearless prayers. But I believe earnest prayer and seeking the face of God will indeed produce supernatural results against the supernatural forces of Satan.

It is my prayer that this testimony might help others to escape the destructive plans of the Devil which he has against all our lives. If anyone doubts this reality of Satan, then they are calling Jesus a liar. For Jesus said: ”The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

It is also written:
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
1st Peter 5:6-9

Thank You Ann Blake Tracy for being there for God to use when I needed you most. And also for the work you do.
May God Bless and Keep You and protect you and yours in Jesus Name. Amen

Raymond Pena

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