Elder Logan Groll
Although the compassion demonstrated in this article is highly commendable, after testifying as an expert witness in horrific cases involving the very drugs this young man has been given I find this to be a terribly depressing article for me to read! Although your compassion shows through brilliantly, the article lets me know that members of the Church continue to misunderstand the difference between mental illness and toxic psychiatric reactions to chemicals. If you really care about Logan and those like him you will share this information with them. Please allow me to share a few things that will hopefully open a few eyes and save lives.
Many missionaries are having serious reactions to the vaccines they are getting before leaving on their missions. And it is often manifesting in anxiety or depression. Parents have increasingly reported this to me over the past couple of decades. In 2008 I spoke before the Missionary Committee and while many on the committee understood it appears many more did not because the problem with being put on antidepressant drugs continues to plague our missionaries. Now that the age requirement for missionaries to serve has been dropped to 18 there are many new missionaries who have never been away from home who are leaving to go directly into the mission field from high school. Because of this we should expect many more to be experiencing homesickness. Everyone who has been on a mission is familiar with this. I suffered from homesickness when I went on my mission and I got over it, as did all the other missionaries I served with. But now missionaries suffering homesickness are being told to either take an antidepressant for that homesickness or go home! How do I know this? I know because of the large number of parents and missionaries reporting this to me. Since this age change for missionaries the Church now has now put in place Area Psychologists over the missions even though the best psychologist I know of can be reached by simply dropping to one’s knees and talking to Him!
What has happened? Many things, but most significant in my mind would be for you to know that in 2000 NAMI (the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill – sounds benevolent doesn’t it?) approached the Church and offered to educate our local Church leaders about mental illness. But few know who NAMI is. They are basically the drug companies who stand to make a huge profit off so many becoming addicted to antidepressants and other mind altering medications. A Senate probe by Senator Charles Grassley in about 2007 found that 80% of the funding for NAMI comes directly from Pharma! So embarrassed by this revelation was the National head of NAMI that he stepped down and left the organization.
We need to look at why we were given the Word of Wisdom. I quote D&C section 89:4 “Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—” And what does “conspiring” mean? Conspire means to lie in order to obtain gain ($$$$$). And we are warned this would be by design – intentional. And it was the preface for our health code so we should know it was a warning about those lying to us to make money off our health. Certainly what Senator Grassley discovered in his Senate probe reveals the “conspiracy” behind NAMI coming in to “educate” our leaders about how we all need their drugs – very expensive drugs I might add and very addictive drugs so that the income will keep on coming in!
So we need to ask if even the very elect are being deceived by this? A decade and a half ago the lead attorney (a non-member) filing wrongful death suits against these drug manufactures in all the deaths associated with antidepressants asked me if there was any way our Church could do a survey to see how many members have died on these drugs because he was shocked to see what a high number of cases he was handling were Mormon! He then said, “I don’t understand your religion. While you warn your members not to use substances like coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol, why would it be okay for them to use these extremely powerful mind altering drugs?!” (Keep in mind that he knows far more about these drugs and their dangers than most because he gets to comb through their internal records to prepare for cases against them. He has had them admit in court that antidepressants can be expected to produce both impulsive suicide or homicide due to their effect upon serotonin.)
How many are aware that Dr. Candace Pert, whose discovery of receptor binding made these antidepressants possible, came out against the SSRI antidepressants in 1997 calling them “monsters” which she wished she had never had a part in their development? In that public statement she said that diet and exercise were a better cure for depression (and she did not have our Word of Wisdom to rely on for that information as we do). Dr. Pert sat on our Board of Directors at the International Coalition for (Prescription) Drug Awareness (www.drugawareness.org), which I head, until her death just over a year ago. Dr. Pert was well respected in her field and also served as Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry, Clinical Neuroscience Branch, at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) for 13 years.
How many are aware that Dr. John Virapen, who headed the Swedish branch for the drug company who first introduced the SSRI antidepressant to the market in America, has admitted that he BOUGHT the approval for the drug, Prozac? Yes, he bribed the approval and has even written a book on it called “Side Effect, Death.” I was interviewed along with him in his first radio program on this in the USA in Provo, UT in 2010. He explained that the company knew if they got the approval in Sweden, where the guidelines were normally so very strict. that then other countries would quickly approve the drug with far less scrutiny.
In 2008 a minister friend of mine asked me to write a brief article about all this deception about these drugs from a biblical standpoint for his newsletter and explain in detail the serious problems with these drugs and how it is affecting the patients spiritually – even producing the second death. Please read the article “Spirituality and Sorcery” to more fully understand the spiritual aspect of this issue and how we have been deceived as John warned us of in Revelations: http://www.drugawareness.org/spirituality-and-sorcery/
Read original article here: http://jasonfwright.com/column/returned-lds-missionary-talks-about-mental-illness-and-early-release.html?fb_action_ids=10205474969814562&fb_action_types=og.comments
Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
www.drugawareness.org & http://ssristories.drugawareness.org
Author: ”Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”
WITHDRAWAL WARNING: In sharing this information about adverse reactions to antidepressants I always recommend that you also give reference to my CD on safe withdrawal, Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!, so that we do not have more people dropping off these drugs too quickly – a move which I have warned from the beginning can be even more dangerous than staying on the drugs!
WITHDRAWAL HELP: You can find the hour and a half long CD on safe and effective withdrawal helps here: http://store.drugawareness.org/ And if you need additional consultations with Ann Blake-Tracy, you can book one at www.drugawareness.org or sign up for one of the memberships for the International Coalition for Drug Awareness which includes free consultations as one of the benefits of that particular membership plan.