Twenty-three new articles from the past month have just been
selected from newspapers across the country and posted our
ICFDA site at
Included among them are two articles that offer proof there are
safer ways to treat depression then by taking pills. One is from
Newsweek entitled “Nourishing Your Brain,” which discusses
studies showing that fats in fish and walnuts can ward off
depression. Another from Reuters showing how aerobic
exercise effectively treats depression.
You will also want to read how a world-renowned scientist saw
his job offer evaporate after he warned that the popular
antidepressant Prozac might trigger suicide. The manufacturer
is an important donor to a mental health institute associated with
the university who courted the doctor. Read “Prozac Critic Sees U
of T Job Revoked.”
Have you seen the ads for Serafem?—the new “cure” for PMDD,
a mental disorder that has yet to be proven to exist? Careful, it’s
just repackaged Prozac in pretty, new pink coating. Be sure to
read the riveting expose by Kelly O’Meara entitled “Misleading
Plus, there’s new information on Viagra, Rezulin, Accutane, MMR
vaccinations and more.