- Update: America’s Most Wanted Man: Shot 4 Relatives Dead at Thanksgiving Dinner
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Man Attacks Prime Minister of Italy
- Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications & heart risks
- PROZAC & 6 other drugs: Toxicology of Brittany Murphy, Actress: California
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS & MEMORY LOSS: Utah No. 2 in nation for Alzheimer’s
- Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! European Parliament to Investigate WHO & “Pandemic” Scandal
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Senator Asks How Many Soldiers are On Antidepressants
- LEXAPRO- 4 DAY WITHDRAWAL: Obit for Suicide
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Young Man Collapses, Almost Dies: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Woman Attempts Suicide 8 Times While on Antidepressants-UK
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Murder : Man Kills Wife with Hammer: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Robbery: Spits on Policeman: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Suicide: Woman Leaps From 9th Floor: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Murder: New Hampshire
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Murder Attempt: Architect Tries to Smother Wife: England
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Murder Attempt: Woman Attempts to Kill her Mother: Aus…
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: After Alcohol Cravings & Manic Reaction, Man Shot by Police: OH
- ZOLOFT & WELLBUTRIN: Teen Attempts Suicide: Louisiana
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Scientist Becomes Oblivious to Work Policy, Fired: New Zealand
- ANTIDEPRESSANT: Suicide by Train: India