This is Survivor Story number 10.
Total number of stories in current database is 77
For the first time I know I am not nuts!
Ive been on Zoloft for about a year and a half and Ive hated every day of it.
Ive been reading through the posts on this site and thanking God that I really am not crazy!
Ive been on Zoloft for about a year and a half and Ive hated every day of it. The days I hate the most are when I cant afford to refill it. Ive told my doctor several times to please get me OFF THIS! When I cant afford it I have to stop abruptly. THAT IS HELL!
My face goes numb. Then I my heart starts to skip so bad I cant stop coughing. Sometimes it even throws me into a full fledged asthma attack even worse sometimes MAJOR panic attacks!
I just want to know how to stop. I just need to get off it. I am not glad that I am not the only who has had this happen but at the same time its bitter sweet because at least I am not alone.
If anyone has suggestions PLEASE email me.