Please Meet One of the Members of Our Board – Dr. Lorraine Day


Lorraine Day


I want to make all of you familiar with those on our Board of Directors and our State and various Country directors around the world who work with us here at the International Coalition for Drug Awareness (ICFDA). This is something I should have been doing long before this rather than letting you search it out on your own. You will soon find introductory videos of each of our Board Members and area directors on our website at with a direct link at

The following video is a GREAT introduction for my dear friend of many years now, Dr. Lorraine Day who has long served on our Board of Directors.

Our main connection was our personal battles with cancer. Although we did not know one another at the time we were struggling, we both got rid of our cancers the same way. The only difference was that I did use some of the old Indian herbs as well as going on a slightly stricter diet of ONLY fruit, nuts, and veggies for seven years. In no time I never felt better nor had so much energy!

She lives what she preaches! You will never find Lorraine in her home or anywhere else it seems, without a glass of water in her hand. She is a firm believer in hydration and lives those beliefs. And her healthy living definitely pays off! When I first met her and before we were introduced, I was sure the person in front of me was her daughter and that she would be taking me to her mother. I knew how old Lorraine was at the time, but the woman in front of me had to be at least 20 years younger than that! For additional information on Dr. Day, her own personal website is If you know anyone with cancer be sure to share this video with them as this is one of Dr. Day’s main issues she deals with.

I have often told my daughter that I need to hang a picture of Dr. Day in my home as a constant reminder to me of all the laws of health she reminds us about in this video. Thank you Lorraine for all you do for so many and thank you for your support in this cause of the terrible mass drugging of humanity with so many deadly antidepressants and other deadly prescription drugs!

Ann Blake Tracy, Executive Director,
International Coalition for Drug Awareness &
Author: “Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? – Our Serotonin Nightmare – The Complete Truth of the Full Impact of Antidepressants Upon Us & Our World” & Withdrawal CD “Help! I Can’t Get Off My Antidepressant!”

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