Suicidal Urges on Seroxat and Alcohol

“…if you mix alcohol and Seroxat you are playing a very dangerous game indeed.”


I found your site on Sunday morning after having taken approximately 60 20mg Seroxat tablets whilst under the influence of alcohol the night before. I must have known that it would not kill me, but I am writing to post my opinion that if you mix alcohol and Seroxat you are playing a very dangerous game indeed.

I cannot describe the relief when I found your site and realized that I have not been imagining things. Approximately 36 hours after taking the tablets I am still mildly nauseous, occasionally vomiting, and as yet unable to sleep properly, but these are all improving so I am going to sit tight, and then slowly wean myself of this disgusting drug. My tremor is so bad that I cannot leave my house because it would alarm people to look at me. I am a twitching trembling mess and feel so ashamed of myself. But because of this whole episode I found your website, and am glad to be given the opportunity not only to wake up and smell the coffee but also to share my story so far.

I was initially prescribed the drug around two years ago, stayed on it and was well for around nine months. I then stopped taking the drug with fairly disastrous effects and was put back on it in January of this year – this is where the problems have started. In thirty years I have never ever had any compulsion to harm myself until January. However about a month after going back on it whenever I drank alcohol I was overcome with the most incredible urge to kill myself, I cut my wrists several times. The drive to harm myself was very strong and when I had been drinking I would sit and plot how to kill myself, who would find me and so on.

I thought I was losing my mind, but again and again when I drank alcohol with Seroxat I became irrational, over-emotional, promiscuous, aggressive and rarely had any memory of what had gone on the night before. It is a measure of how wonderful my friends and family are that they are all still with me after these six long months. I was beaten up in a nightclub and another time rescued by the police whilst having a conversation in the street with a notorious pimp and crack dealer. I am aware with my 20-20 vision in hindsight that I should have stopped drinking whilst on this drug.

Saturday night was my graduation dinner, the culmination of five long years of studying. I had a fabulous evening with my friends. I have a loving and supportive family. I currently have no symptoms of depression. I have a fantastic job lined up and am so excited about my future. Why would I then come home and take an overdose? Please be careful with this drug, and never EVER mix it with alcohol. I consider myself so lucky to have found this out before I lost my life, please don’t risk yours as well.

Please feel free to email me, I would love to hear from you, EG

Elaine Gibney



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