Suspicious Suicide of Sister 1981 – NOW Solved 2009 – IMIPRAMINE. GENERIC FOR TOFRANIL

This is Lisa’s story of the sudden and tragic death of her sister Lori in 1981. Lori was 25 years old and Lisa was 13.  It took almost 3 decades for Lisa to find out the truth about her sister’s death. Here is Lisa’s story:


My sister Lori Died Suddenly on Sept. 22, 1981. She was 25 years old. I always knew my Sister’s sudden death was suspicious. I had searched for years for the answers to why, which included contacting the police department, and going over the report many times! Someone had to do this to her, she would not have killed herself! This I knew for sure! I would sit in my driveway where she lost her life, and look at my house many times over, and say how did you sit here, looking at our families home with your daughter, niece, sisters, and parents sleeping inside, how how could you have done this to us, and yourself?!

Nothing made sense then, and for the decades that followed. However, now almost three decades later “2009″ the truth has finally surfaced. I now have the answer I have searched for my entire life since that tragic morning I found her in her 1977 Buick with our father’s handgun in her lap. I promised her that morning I would not give up until I found the “truth” about what really happened to her. My sister loved life, and her family, and knew we loved her! She would not have taken her own life. So why did she?
Summary of Lori’s Story:
My sister moved home, and filed for divorce in 1980. I am her younger sister Lisa, and we spent most of this time together when she moved back home. I was going into the 8th grade that year. I was so happy that she was moving in with us, and that I would have time to spend with her. We were very close, very similar. Lori was a strong, smart woman, and she was determined to make it on her own! She worked for the county that we lived in, and was very well liked at her job. She also made enough money where she would be able to live. People that she worked with were shocked like everyone else was to hear about her sudden, so out of character death.
At the time she lived with us she was doing fine, going to work everyday, and taking one day at a time to rebuild her life. Throughout her divorce it was stressful, just as much as expected in any divorce situation. It is a life change. Suddenly the last month to weeks of her life I noticed that she had changed. I listened, and I watched her suddenly turn into someone I did not know. I could not figure it out? Why was she acting like this? Saying these things to me? Finding it funny to scare me? Lori suddenly started to talk about death, and dying! In which she would include me in her plans/ideas on how I/We could end her life!
Some examples are as follows:
1. Lori would loop a belt around her neck, and ask me to pull it as hard as I could until she stopped breathing!
2. Lori would ask me to come in the middle of the night, and put a pillow over her face to suffocate her in her sleep!
3. Lori would lay still in her bed, and when she heard me coming down the hallway she would lay still, and pretend to be dead. When I shook her to wake her up she would not move. She stayed so still until she couldn’t anymore, and started to laugh out loud hysterically at me, and then would say to me “I’m just joking Lisa, I just wanted to see what it would feel like to really be dead, and what you would do if I really was?! Then she would go on to say to me, “you don’t have to worry I wouldn’t really do anything, I’m too chicken!”
4. Lori suddenly changed by saying things to me like “HE” is in your room, closet and going to get you! Will you sleep with me in my room on the floor next to me? She also would say things that did not make sense like.. see this pin this will pop your face, see this curling iron, this will burn your face! It Never made sense the things she started to say..that was not her!
5. Lori suddenly at times would go from laughing, and joking about something into anger, (suddenly she pushed me into a file cabinet, it, and myself fell on the ground) Lori never would hurt anyone, especially me;  agitated, and confused mood. (suddenly she would look at me with sadness in her eyes, and say to me I don’t know why I am saying or doing these things.. I must be going crazy.
Lisa & Lori

6. Something else happened shortly before her life ended in such a tragic horrific way. Lori suddenly became very sick she came down with the flu. She lost weight, she could not eat, drink, or get up out of bed she was very pale, and weak, frail looking. I felt so bad I could not help her feel better. I had never seen her so sick before. She could not hold food down and was growing weaker by the day.

7. Lori also suddenly started to fall asleep with her bible on her face. As if she were reading. praying for help to feel better. I had to take the bible of her face a few times when she finally was able to sit still, and take a short nap.
8. Lori’s sleeping patterns suddenly changed as well.
9. The night before she died, I remember it so clear. Lori kept rocking in our rocking chair that we had in our living room. She would not stop! She also was talking much faster than usual, and walking much faster as well. When I finally asked her to stop rocking so fast she just looked at me like she couldn’t stop, or didn’t want to. It was like someone was pushing her to rock. I thought it very odd at the time but soon overlooked it because of all her sudden behaviors had been so altered lately that I almost was getting use to the changes.
10. That night my sister’s were staying up to watch the Deer Hunter a movie that came out in the 80′s I believe. They wanted me to stay up also to watch it with them but I was tired, and only made through some of it. The Russian Roulette camp scene came up. Where each of the prisoners were made to put a loaded handgun to their heads, some chambers were full, some were not. Each prisoner was made to take a chance when it was their turn. If it was empty they lived. If it was not they died. Lori made the comment/question: Do you think if I did that it would work the first time? Then she laughed it off. Then she started talking about our German Shepherd Dog who was aging. Lori said what are we going to do with Champ when he dies? Then she said well it doesn’t matter, if we bury him the worms will eat him anyway! Again she laughed.

I went to bed soon after that part of the movie, I was very tired. Lori came into my bedroom late that night, and stood in my doorway. She was talking to me, and asked are you awake? I remember mumbling back to her yes, but was half asleep still. She looked at the last supper picture I had on the wall, and asked me who was so and so? I don’t remember the name she said. Then she went on to look at her daughters picture on my wall, and said aww, isn’t she so cute! Then the last thing she said to me was “Well I’ll see you in the morning ok?!” and off she went down the hallway, I heard the front door slam as it usually did behind her around that time of night. That night Lori was not sad, depressed, crying, or irritable, just sounded so full of life! Energized.

I did not know it then, but that was the last time I would hear her voice. That early morning of September 22, 1981 I was getting ready for school. I went into her bedroom to borrow a shirt of hers, and I quietly asked her if I could borrow it? Lori did not answer, so I took it, and got ready to catch the bus. As I walked out the front door down our driveway I had to pass her car, from a far distance all I could see was the color RED. My first thought was “here she goes again, She is trying to fool me again, and this time it looks like she used Ketchup!
Well as I got closer, I saw my sister through the car window, she was on her side with her head on the armrest of the passenger side door. I could see her face clearly, Her eyes were closed, and there was blood dripping from her mouth, and bottom lip onto the seat. Still I was in total disbelief. Our other sister ran back into the house right away, and was calling me to come with her. I stayed by the car window, pounding on the glass waiting for her move, or waiting for her to laugh because she fooled me again! She did not move, or laugh.
Our father came out of the house, and broke the driver side window, unlocked the door and got inside the car, reached across Lori’s body to unlock the passenger side door, ran around the car as fast as he could, got in and picked her up to hold her. Lori’s body lay across my fathers lap, and he just kept repeating WHY?

Our father came up to the house finally, hands and clothing full of blood, and said to me, your sister is gone. She had a open casket, I was not going to attend until a friend told me I should go say goodbye or I would regret it later. So I went. I finally went up to the casket where her body lay. All I could remember was the things she had said to me, and done those last weeks of her life. I was afraid, and confused to what had happened to her. It just never made sense! As I sat and looked across the room at her in the casket all I could think of was that this was not real. She was not Dead. She is pretending, etc. Even though In reality I did know she was gone. Just didn’t know why?!

*Lori did not drink,smoke, or do drugs- We had no answers. No clues so we thought. So for decades her sudden change, which followed to her sudden death remained “suspicious!”
Decades later the truth surfaced! Finally I was able to put it all together. In 2009 I was going through my sister’s box of things that I had packed away almost 28 years ago, off the top of her dresser. I came across many things I remembered from the time… one which included a medicine bottle. We knew Lori was put on a medicine to help her with the stress of her divorce, so it was not a surprise to me that I packed the bottle. Like I said we all knew she was taking something for anxiety. Back then it was similar to taking an advil. No big deal. As long as a doctor gave you something, it was ok to take. Safe.
However..the shock came to me when I typed the name of the drug into the computer just months ago. Slowly it all started to come together, and I mean all of it! As I read the side effects of the medication she was on, it all suddenly linked! Including the things she said, the things she did, the rocking in the chair, the things she was seeing that were not there, and finally to the flu like symptoms that she was displaying shortly before she ended her life at the young age of 25.


Imipramine and Suicides:
Your healthcare provider should monitor you (or your child) carefully when you are first starting an antidepressant. You should also be watchful for any signs of suicidal behavior. Contact your healthcare provider right away if you (or your child) have any of the following:
*Thoughts about death or *committing suicide, Suicide attempts, *Depression or anxiety that is new or worse, *Agitation, restlessness, or panic attacks
*Trouble sleeping (insomnia), *Irritability that is new or worse, *Aggressive, angry, or violent behavior, *Acting on dangerous impulses, *Unusually increased talking or activity*Akathisia
An analysis of a large clinical trial published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 2008 estimated that up to 35 percent of people taking antipsychotic drugs experience akathisia.
Symptoms include: Fidgety movements*, Leg swinging while sitting*, Rocking from foot to foot or pacing*, Motor restlessness; inability to sit still*, Feelings of anxiety*, Insomnia*. The combination of these symptoms and depression and impulsiveness may also contribute to aggression and suicide in some patients. Other strange changes in mood or behavior. (* I put a star next to every side effect she had!)
BLACK BOX WARNING (2004) Today we have commercials warning of these dangers. We also have computers where we can do our own research. Back then, we had nothing! Some say maybe no-one knew back then… Not true! Facts below:
* The first descriptions of a drug causing suicide came in 1955. A few years later in 1958 and again in 1959 the problem was described with imipramine.* Treatment induced suicide became a prominent media issue in 1990 with a paper by Teicher and Cole. (MY SISTER DID NOT HAVE TO DIE!) *It was not until 2004 that regulators and companies conceded that these drugs can cause a problem.
In 2009 I was able to give our parents some kind of closure to Lori’s death, however, this in no way made up for the three plus decades of pain and suffering they as parents had to endure. Our Mother said: You mean she died because people had to be greedy, and make money? Our Father said: It don’t matter now, because she is gone, and nobody will care! HAD WE KNOWN THE CONCEALED SIDE EFFECTS OF IMIPRAMINE, MY SISTER WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY!

65 thoughts on “Suspicious Suicide of Sister 1981 – NOW Solved 2009 – IMIPRAMINE. GENERIC FOR TOFRANIL

  1. Years have passed ..the pain of the memories i have had leading up to her sudden death never faded. However..Now with this truth that I knew was always somewhere out there to be found It finally surfaced. I have found my answer to her death.
    I know with not one reasonable doubt, the evidence I have, the dates of events etc..
    I am 100% sure this drug ‘INDUCED” suicidal thoughts, the sudden stopping of the drug through her into the sudden withdrawl, which in turn…lead her to take her life.




  2. I’m sorry to hear about your sister.
    But it is good on your discovery of the drugs.
    I’m glad you’re out there screaming about it!
    Best, Ken

  3. I am so sorry about your sister’s death. I too took Imipramine about 8 years or so ago for a dizzy disorder, I found that it caused me intense anxiety and slow spins at night when I tried to sleep. I think I lasted about 2 weeks on it. I did not like that drug at all either. I do not know what might have happened to me had I stuck with it but the ADR’s were not worth it.

    lisa that is so good……so sad but yet so good….i am very proud of you for putting it out there and i will pass it along. (Lori in PA)

  4. Lisa,
    Congratulations on finallyl getting your story published, I know it might not ease the pain, but just finally to know why? has to put a lot questions behind you, and your family. I hope you are doing well.
    Karen (NY)

  5. My Name is Patrick and would like to help you Spread the word about the story.. I would like to make a video telling People the story with You… and i can Post it on Your site for you to… I would do this all for FREE Because of the Love you have not just for your family but for others to… If you want to take me up on this offer at any time- sooner the better- for other Family’s we can do so at your convience… Thanks for your time today.. Patrick

  6. i know a lot of people and can get it out into the world. i met millions doing the business and yes i will get your story wherever it has to go. all my love and prayers..lori
    from PA

  7. I visited the website and was really moved by your story. I am sorry
    about what happened to your sister. Are you working on a book project
    about her?
    Hope to hear from you.
    Marvin Spencer
    Publishing Consultant
    Sales & Marketing Department

  8. “OMG I could feel your pain reading this. How Gut-Wrenching! I’m glad you were
    finally able to find the cause behind all of this. Lisa, I’m sure your sister
    is very proud of you and all you have done. I wish you much success in
    spreading the word and I hope you are able to help others that had similar

    7:38 am PDT, Aug 24, Scott Callahan, New Hampshire

  9. 7:38 am PDT, Aug 24, Scott Callahan, New Hampshire
    I hope this petition gets the word out on how much antidepressants can induce suicidal, erratic, abnormal, and aggravated behavior. A calm, reserved, and caring individual doesn’t suddenly get homicidal or suicidal within the course of a month; however, add a drug into the mix and these reactions are possible. Whenever someone commits suicide, murder, or suddenly becomes “crazy,” the first thing investigators, doctors, or police should ask is “was this person on or withdrawing from any medication?” It seems that with the power and influence doctors and drug companies have, they can continue to deny that these drugs don’t induce such behavior, and can also do a good job of making the citizens believe them, too. But, like with tobacco, which doctors initially shamefully endorsed, there’s a movement growing that’s alerting potential patients about the truth of these drugs. Sorry to hear about your sister. I hope Lorraine’s story will help get the word out.
    # 35:

  10. “All these years you would not let it go”- you did not care what people
    thought of you- you did not give up!
    Many people told you to move on and let it go- and you couldn’t!

    From Kevin Kelly (friends for over 20 years)


  12. You are truly courageous, and loving. Congratulations on getting your
    story out there, never giving up. God bless you.
    I’ve had a very bad experience a long time ago with Zoloft, (amongst other
    meds); have been thru horrible times observing med reactions of relatives and
    friends…caused by lethal medicines. Now again… another very very horrible
    time, with a mate who’s affected by Levaquin….. topped off by other meds
    that they tried on him, which prolonged and accellerated the agony.
    If only more people could be steadfast in their compassion and caring.
    Every day I pray for justice and for the greedy apathetic ones to get a

    > Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 2:42 PM

  13. You are truly courageous, and loving. Congratulations on getting your
    story out there, never giving up. God bless you.
    I’ve had a very bad experience a long time ago with Zoloft, (amongst other
    meds); have been thru horrible times observing med reactions of relatives and
    friends…caused by lethal medicines. Now again… another very very horrible
    time, with a mate who’s affected by Levaquin….. topped off by other meds
    that they tried on him, which prolonged and accellerated the agony.
    If only more people could be steadfast in their compassion and caring.
    Every day I pray for justice and for the greedy apathetic ones to get a

  14. Thk u for sharing this very important and horrible part of your life!! It is a essential peice in the evils of our economy in modern day so called civilisation!! We have much to still progress on. And one of them is the dictatorship by psychologists, psychyatrists, scientists and so called phycisians.
    I am sorry this happened to you!!

  15. Lisa….I am so terribly sorry for your tragic loss of your sister –
    myself having lost a beautiful 18 year old daughter to
    antidepressant-related suicide, I can truly understand your
    pain and want of justice. Unfortunately the newer selective serotonin
    re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are no better or worse than the older tri-cyclic antidepressants (TCAs) in terms of safety or efficacy – they all have the same problems and reportedly only work -at best 50% of the time. So for at least half of people who
    take antidepressants (TCAs or SSRIs) it is all risk (of adverse
    effects) with no benefit. If your sister ended her life after abruptly
    stopping a TCA then it was most likely due to the severe form of
    akathisia that some people experience. Akathisia has been previously
    described as an inability to stay still – a kind of
    physical agitation. Psychiatrists first noticed this adverse effect
    with the introduction of the first-generation of anti-psychotic drugs
    (at that time usually only prescribed to schizophrenics) in the 1950s
    But with the wide spread use of anti-depressants – especially
    now with SSRIs – it is now recognized that there is a terribly more
    severe form of this side effect – if the drug abruptly stopped –
    which will literally drive some people to suicide and in some cases
    homicide – a kind of inner torture as described as

    “Akathisia, remains > virtually unknown. Akathisia has been described
    as a unique form of inner torture that, prior to the development
    of psychiatric drugs, probably never existed. Knowledge of the side
    effect, however, has been around for a while.”
    Suicide Reference Library – Richard Grandpre-2002

    Although there are some new theories why this severe form of akathisia
    only happens to some people (related to metabolism) – the cause is
    elusive. Problem is that the drug manufacturers try to keep this awful
    side-effect secret – most patients are never warned of this when first
    my very best wishes to you on your journey

  16. Sunday, September 20, 2009 11:09 AM

    I am so prud of you!!!!! You did it. It will come to pass. People will know that all meds, and I say ALL MEDS are not good for anyone. They cause so many problems in so many ways. Our bodies were not made to take in all these chemicals. The pramacuital companies need to stop telling people to take this crap. And doctors need to stop as well. there are so many natural ways to help cure or deal with all illnesses.

    That is what needs to be put out there. God made all things, and all things have a purpose. We as a whole have to use what we have on the plants to help cure all that is out there.

    It can be done, but the government wont let us due to money, money, money they will lose in the process. That has to change and everyone has to fight together for it to pass.

    Thank you for sending this to me. I think about you alot and your family.

    Keep in touch,


  17. Ripsister, I am desperately sorry for your loss. The first time I became
    aware of psychotropic homicide and suicide danger was when I attended a talk
    given by Dr. Anne Blake Tracy. She paints a grim picture and it’s all true.
    Both my brother and sister are addicted to various psychotropics and nothing
    I have said has swayed them from their stance that the “doctor is in charge,
    not you.” However, it is not “justice” that you are seeking for your sister.
    The only way justice MIGHT happen – and it is no comfort at all – is if the
    specific doctor or the specific pharmaceutical agent that were involved in
    her death had to spend time in jail. What might give some comfort is the
    feeling that perhaps someone else will be saved from the same fate because
    they pay attention to your warning and don’t get hooked in the first place.
    I constantly talk to people about the dangers of psychotropics. It seldom
    does any good.

    Today, more than 20% of the people in the United States are on some form of
    psychoactive drugs. I see the psychotropics as one of the most worrisome
    problems during the collapse of civilization as we run low on oil, as
    climate changes continue, and as the economy continues to disintegrate. It
    takes an existent economy and a dollar that can be spent to get these drugs
    into the people who are addicted. As much as I’d love to see no more
    psychotropics on the market, since these drugs actually change the brain’s
    chemistry and it takes a long time to get free of them, there is going to be
    hell to pay if the supply is suddenly cut off (for instance China stops
    giving the US any credit for purchasing power since the feds are currently
    spending 200% of tax income) and 20% of our population is suddenly going
    through instant withdrawal. It could get really, really nasty.

    The message here is simple as far as I’m concerned. Allopathic medicine is
    good for only one thing: trauma care. Psychotropics are bad news.
    Fluoroquinolones are disastrous. How many other drugs out there will
    eventually be discovered as doing more harm than good? Take chemotherapy for
    example. Poison the body to heal it? Makes no sense to me. I think the
    primary message I’m getting here is that in order to maintain health, people
    need to turn their backs on allopathic medicine entirely. Medical doctors
    are great in an emergency room and in the aftermath of a severe heart
    attack. Other than that – leave us alone!

  18. Dear Lori..
    Sept. 22, 2009 will mark the 28th anniversary since we lost you….
    I miss you still… like it happened only yesterday….

  19. Lorraine,
    Your story is is so close to mine. My father killed himself by walking in front of a train in 1981. Only after I had been prescribed Lexapro and wound up with all kinds of problems, 2 DUI’s, 3 drunk in publics (where I called the police on myself!) and a suicide attempt was I able to make the connection between my father’s suicide and anti-depressants. I am 40 years old now, I was also 13 when he killed himself. He was a school teacher and the last time I saw him was in the school lunchroom. I saw him sitting alone and decided to sit with my friends and not him. My mother never told us the outrageous extent to which he was drugged. He was given over 12 psychotropic drugs over 3 years, including Imipramine (Tofranil or Elvavil) and I believe Xanax and other tranquilizers. Only last year, she told me this when I asked her. I had known that he had taken anti-depressants but not what kind or how many. He sufferred from akathasia, he would lay on the couch all day for months and say he was “too nervous” to do anything. He was becoming paranoid and asked my mother if she thought the neighbors could hear them talking inside the house and if they were saying he was a homosexual. He was hospitalized 8 times in the year before he killed himself and killed himself 2 days after being released for the last time. I never knew about these side effects or how many drugs he was given until I had my own experience with Lexapro. I have lived for 27 years, just like you, waking up every day, thinking “why, why, why” I’ve always had this nagging feeling that I should be doing something but don’t know what. For 27 years, I have been my own judge, jury, and executioner of anything in my life that would make me happy. I have let people treat me like a doormat, because I decided they were all better than me because I caused my father to do that by abandoning him that day at lunch (which I logically knew wasn’t true but I still felt that way.) I developed terrible fears that something would get me in the end and I would die a horrible painful death, my child or husband would be killed in a car accident everytime they went somewhere without me and it would be my fault for letting them go alone. I was OCD and would check for fire hazards everytime I left the house for work so my dog would not die in a fire. I called my house 20 times a day from work to make sure it wasn’t burned down. I had anorexia and bulimia when I was a teeanager and had terrible nightmares until I was 23. It’s very sad because I also have 4 brothers and a sister. Once I made this connection to the drugs, my OCD and fears have all but dissapeared. Maybe he can finally rest in peace.

  20. I have known peoplle who were prescribed Tofrinal and it also made them suicidal, as well as chnge their personality from happy to nasty and vindictive. It is sometimes precribed for disorders
    such as bed wetting and with the same side effects. Lloyd.,Connolly.

  21. As with all drugs, but esp. psych drugs, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you work closely with your psychiatrist & therapist! If you aren’t “safe” you should even be watched MORE CLOSELY. I do believe prescription drugs are a necessity for some conditions, and with monitoring ARE safe & helpful in the treatment of all kinds of mental conditions!

    I know that the closer my daughter works with her psych/therapist, the happier she is, and the more they’ve pulled her from some very serious, very deep issues. But…she follows her pill regiment to a “T”, and there is always a need for adjustment – which is why it is so imperative that a skilled doctor is aware of how she is doing.

    She hasn’t always been as happy as she is today. We’ve gotten her through some incredibly rough times, and there so easily could be a backslide without her taking both her medicines & regiment of health, eating regularly & reducing her stress with much seriousness.

    I can also say that despite medicine, doctor’s care, and watching 24/7….there is ALWAYS a chance that someone who is driven to commit suicide will find the opportunity and chance to do so. My favorite nephew was one of those. Alcohol & steroids also didn’t help in his case.

  22. Thank you for sharing your sister’s story and helping others to understand the potential risks for some medications. Being well informed about risk factors may help save others as well as help other families understand their loved ones’ suicides. There are often physical reasons for mental health issues.

    Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

  23. Lisa I too know that down side of certain drugs. Many of our veterans are guinea pigs. I know what my brother was put though because of the state he was in for many of his earlier years while on multiple anti depression drugs prescribed by VA doctors..I have been bringing attention to the many dangers of Legal Drug ever since.

    All one has to do is watch the abusive commercials offering relief from this or that then you get the downside. This drug may cause death, liver or kidney damage. These commercials are sadistic since they are designed to be a disclaimer, used in court, should you need to sue, . In law it’s called when did you know and when did you know it…They are telling you the dangers so if you decide to use these drugs you are now responsible..

    I am very suspect of corporations, doctors, etc, wanting TORT REFORM! If this law goes through we will no longer have any recourse and be at the mercy of the care giver..

    I am so sorry for your loss and for the misery you and your sister were put through because she was not in safe hands when prescribed a drug for depression..

    Take heart dear lady you are not alone in this fight. You can learn more about my activist site here__ and the many issues we pursue..

    The Truth about drugs must be the goal. Drugs do kill. Especially the legal variety…


  24. The sad thing is that drug manufactures never tell the real truth about what happens when there are to many drugs introduced to the body and they never will because it would effect the bottom line and for the most part we are just numbers to them and that is a fact.

    There have been so many people that have died from using drugs that there doctor have given them for not just mental problems as in this case but so many other problems.

    But to say that person took her own life is way over the top she was deeply depressed and she should have been watched much more closely by her doctors to make sure this would never have happened and that is a fact.

    I think the doctors should have been blamed for this horrible act not the patient.


  25. I read your words with horror. The old tricyclics made me so physically ill I never stayed on them for long enough to be damaged, paroxitine had dominated my life since the 1990’s. It is the answer in the UK for everything, yet another drug, and more drugs but nothing that actually helps.

    You must write your book, the truth must be exposed. You are incredibly brave and I wish that your knowledge had not come from such a terrible tragedy
    Good luck

  26. I think these kinds of medicines are atrocious! I was doped up and drugged for many years they not only made Me very unhealthy, ill, pshycotic,suicidal, unavailable for My children,useless, ovreweight, gave Me sleep apnea, ibs, worsened and made My ocd totally uncontrollable, practically ruined My life. this issue is very critically important to Me!….sincerely, Cathi

  27. WOW…. I finally have the answer! After these last few years of thinking I was the one who was messed up and no one could help me and trying all different drugs and nothing working. Thank you……. About 4 years ago i attempted suicide by over dosing on medication I was a senior in college and thanks to my roommate for finding me in time i am still alive. The feeling of being empty and feeling like nothing you were doing in life was good enough… and feeling as though you were just here wasting space was all that ran through my mind. I began to not care anymore I used drugs, I drank….. and just to find out it was all the medications that they had me on. NO ONE should ever have to feel this way…..I am soooo sorry you had to go through with what happened!

  28. Oh my goodness, Lisa…this is the saddest story I have ever read! I really had
    no idea this happened to you and your family! 1981, we were in 8th grade. It is
    well known now that most antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts. I’m so
    very sorry your famliy had to endure such heartache! I think you are a very
    strong person to be able to tell such… Read More a sad painful part of your
    life and speak for your sister and make things right by her (if that can ever
    really happen!) I wish you the best of luck in your quest to find peace and
    justice for her and your family.

  29. I read your story…. Broke my heart. I am actually on meds for anxiety and made me stop
    and think about if i should continue. You are writing a book or something about
    it right? I will be sure to buy it.!

  30. I really hope you get justice for your sister used risperdal it gave me 7 side effects including akathisia i was going to kill my self just to end the suffering and after i quit the drug me schizophrenia got much worst all this companies care about is money.

  31. I think there are alot (if not near all) prescription and over the counter medications that are just plain “not good” for anyone.
    Example, anti depressants that get prescribed. It seems to take forever to find the right pill and dosage. Along with that, a doctor will probably go thru a number of different ones to find the one that works best. This is where alot of ppl have a hard time coping. They are in need of help, but while being used as a guinee pig, they can become very lost and in some cases suicidal.
    So, what to do if one does not want to be guinee pig? I suggest that there alot of natural/normal things that could and should be tried. There might be alot of things that one should give up, eg., certain types of food, clothes we wear, cosmetics are the main ones.
    Food – Stop the junk, including liquid candy (pop/soda). Stay away from fast food. Force oneself to eat healthier, even if you don’t like it. (that’s why it’s good for you)
    Clothes – Choose natural fibers for your clothing. Ensure there is no chemicals in the material of the clothes.
    Cosmetics – I suggest you check this out for yourself. There’s alot of cosmetics that are just real bad for you. To find out which ones, go to
    These are only a few of the things, but most important that can affect the way one thinks, or is force to think by what they come in contact with everyday. Chemical reactions on the human body. Sounds strange, but true.
    We all need to change so much…

  32. Thanks for the link.

    Lori would of had Psychiatric Psychotherapy. The drugs and the psychotherapy she received did nothing for the stress of the divorce, but added to that problem which ended in suicide. Anyone going to a psych or medical practioner today for a similar situation are up against the same failed system Lori went to for help.

    What Causes Depression


    What’s Wrong with Psychiatry? A Psychiatrist Explains…[2 mins]

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    Kevin Owen
    Psychosomatic Healing
    Handling the stress related to all illness.
    With a reduction in Mental and Physical Stress
    comes an improvement in health.

  33. Hi, I’m a victim of a different drug, but I would offer the importance of considering where, exactly, your dear sister had been living before returning home. Why I had a worse time metabolizing the medication has been one of the hardest parts to understand. If your sister was spending time near any broadcasting or high power equipment, she could have been getting a much higher effective dose. The fact is that cell membranes dilate in the presence of electric fields, admitting more hormones, toxins, and medications, deeper into the body.

    If you would like more details, please contact me.

  34. Lisa, thank you for sharing this deeply personal story. I hope it helps to heal your long suffered pain….and helps prevent someone else’s pain too in the process. You are doing the right thing. Professional medicine failed your sister, but you are not failing her. Too many “legal” drugs are killing people. Why did the FDA ever pass the one that took your sister’s senses?
    Stay strong and battle on!

  35. Lisa, I understand you are angry. I was diagnosed as bipolar for reacting
    negatively to antidepressants myself in 1992. I became suicidal and lost a
    good portion of my memory for several years. I fought my body daily for over
    12 years after cold-turkeying off of benzodiazepines during my pregnancy. I
    thought I was crazy like the rest of the family and lived in fear of
    discovery for loss of my professional credibility for many years.

    My grandmother was destroyed by psychiatric drugs and was suicidal most of
    her life AS A RESULT OF THE DRUGS they treated her with not her illness as
    we were told! My mother was a psychological mess because her mother was a
    psychological mess. In turn, my sister and I were both psychologically
    scarred from my mother’s inability to bond emotionally with us because of
    her own mother’s exposure to psych drugs.

    My niece burned herself alive 5 years ago TOMORROW so it is a particularly
    difficult anniversary for me each year as I relive the trauma daily and know
    that the event was blamed on her MENTAL ILLNESS not her toxic treatment.
    She was a brilliant, talented, beautiful young woman only 20 years old.

    Of course you are shocked, appalled, angry…as well you should be. But my
    point was not meant to minimize your situation but to simply reassure you
    that you are not alone in this battle or in this calling. All of your
    reactions to finding out the drugs are what killed your loved one are
    justified and I validate you! We have all been deceived and lied to and
    they still won’t own up to it to this very day! They are targeting our
    children more every year as expansion profit centers for psych drugs.

    Please read my book.

    Have you contacted the Citizens Commission on Human Rights with your
    sister’s story? They may be able to help with litigation efforts and the
    investigation of your sister’s death.

    In truth for health,

  36. Oh, Lisa, I’m so sad to read this. I had no idea. Please remember that you were just a young girl and there was no way you could’ve understood at the time what was going on. Good for you for being your sister’s champion, and continue to fight hard for what you believe is right!

  37. I really feel for you, and your
    story is one of extreme sadness. These horrible crimes can stop, but we need
    to band together and march on the Whitehouse and demand that they put a stop to

    I know many people who have committed suicide, and only after I was put
    on these poisons for anxiety, could I put the pieces of the puzzle together.
    Not only did these drugs spin me into a downward spiral, but I know now how
    someone could kill themselves. I also know that these people who did commit
    suicide were on SSRI medication and that is why they did what they did.

    The doctors and drug manufacturers should be held liable. Our voices
    need to be heard, and those of us who’s lives have been destroyed, either
    directly by the drugs, or indirectly, deserve justice and compensation….. But
    what kind of compensation can you give to someone who has lost someone they
    love, or how much money can return my brain back to it’s pre-drugged state.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do
    for you.

    Kindest Regards,

  38. Dear Lisa,
    Firstly, thanks very much (if that’s the right expression!) for sending your story. It is one of the most tragic and moving things I have ever read.
    Anti-Depressants are handed out like sweets (candy as you say) over here in England and the damage they have done to me is untold.
    I was put on Prozac back in 1997 because I was supposed to have been ‘Clinically Depressed’. I have Crohn’s Disease and Type 1 Diabetes and yes, it gets me down but, before I went on Prozac it was never something that I couldn’t handle. My Doc thought they would be a great help!
    After around 6 months, I started to get really bad fatigue and lethargy. This was put down to Crohn’s but, when the illness was under control, I still had the fatigue. To cut a very long story short, I went for every test possible to try and find out what was causing it but nothing showed up. This fatigue killed off my marriage, my career and my life!
    Following my divorce I was so down and anxious that a Psych. changed my A/D’s to Mirtazapine telling me that they would be better than Prozac in that they would stop my anxiety, No way! I too became suicidal and these types of thoughts were constantly in my head. Every morning I would break down crying (I am a male by the way) and, even though I’d been through a divorce, I just knew this was not me. Yes I should have been sad about the divorce but this was just unnatural, it was if my body had taken control of me.
    Eventually, I went to see another Psych. and told him that the Mirtazapine seemed to be making me worse or, at least not making me better. He (a very arrogant person) simply told me ‘just stop taking them and I will write to your doctor and tell him to cancel your repeat prescription.
    Of course I did what he told me to do after all he is a qualified Psychiatrist and who was I to doubt him?!
    After a few days, I started to get extremely anxious and more and more paranoid, then the ‘rebound depression’ started as well. I was going (and still am) through a living hell and it was until around 7 weeks into the ‘cold turkey’ I realised was the cause of this was, I didn’t know anything about how dangerous it was to suddenly stop taking these drugs and I was totally shocked. I decided that as I had gone 7 weeks without the drug, there was no way that I wanted to go back on it and withdraw slowly as I believed it would soon be out of my system…..WRONG!!! It’s still going on but, I WILL NOT go back on it, not for $1,000,000
    I will just ‘sit it out’ until it eventually does get out of my body

    Anyway, I wish you a happy and peaceful Xmas and rest of your life. I have signed the petition and wish you all the success you deserve for bringing these eveil drugs to the public awareness.

    Love Renny

    Renny Proudlove

  39. Dear Lisa,
    Firstly, thanks very much (if that’s the right expression!) for sending your story. It is one of the most tragic and moving things I have ever read.
    Anti-Depressants are handed out like sweets (candy as you say) over here in England and the damage they have done to me is untold.
    I was put on Prozac back in 1997 because I was supposed to have been ‘Clinically Depressed’. I have Crohn’s Disease and Type 1 Diabetes and yes, it gets me down but, before I went on Prozac it was never something that I couldn’t handle. My Doc thought they would be a great help!
    After around 6 months, I started to get really bad fatigue and lethargy. This was put down to Crohn’s but, when the illness was under control, I still had the fatigue. To cut a very long story short, I went for every test possible to try and find out what was causing it but nothing showed up. This fatigue killed off my marriage, my career and my life!
    Following my divorce I was so down and anxious that a Psych. changed my A/D’s to Mirtazapine telling me that they would be better than Prozac in that they would stop my anxiety, No way! I too became suicidal and these types of thoughts were constantly in my head. Every morning I would break down crying (I am a male by the way) and, even though I’d been through a divorce, I just knew this was not me. Yes I should have been sad about the divorce but this was just unnatural, it was if my body had taken control of me.
    Eventually, I went to see another Psych. and told him that the Mirtazapine seemed to be making me worse or, at least not making me better. He (a very arrogant person) simply told me ‘just stop taking them and I will write to your doctor and tell him to cancel your repeat prescription.
    Of course I did what he told me to do after all he is a qualified Psychiatrist and who was I to doubt him?!
    After a few days, I started to get extremely anxious and more and more paranoid, then the ‘rebound depression’ started as well. I was going (and still am) through a living hell and it was until around 7 weeks into the ‘cold turkey’ I realised was the cause of this was, I didn’t know anything about how dangerous it was to suddenly stop taking these drugs and I was totally shocked. I decided that as I had gone 7 weeks without the drug, there was no way that I wanted to go back on it and withdraw slowly as I believed it would soon be out of my system…..WRONG!!! It’s still going on but, I WILL NOT go back on it, not for $1,000,000
    I will just ‘sit it out’ until it eventually does get out of my body

    Anyway, I wish you a happy and peaceful Xmas and rest of your life. I have signed the petition and wish you all the success you deserve for bringing these eveil drugs to the public awareness.

    Love Renny

  40. Well done sweetheart there are to many people dying due to the drugs they get from there doctor and trust that they are in good hands I for one know what i am talking about as my mother was addicted to precription drugs and contributed to her death when she was only 36.
    God bless you Lisa xxx

  41. A law should be passed that everyone that dies from a suicide from a pharmaceutical
    drug side effect should be published to take the blame of the victim and on the hands of those that are guilty.

    I thank you for your information and I know that people all over will see the truth here.

  42. I care!

    After sharing you sister’s story a life was saved! My son’s life partner was on this drug and was having all sorts of problems. I passed your story on it was recognized by family and professinals. He got off this drug and is fine.



  43. Dear Lisa & family.
    I just found out tonight what happened. I knew Lori back in the seventies. We hung out now & then. I moved to California in 1976 and just lost touch. My prayers go to you and your family. And any other family with similar situations. May God Bless.
    “L” Dave La Vigne

  44. Lisa, I am sorry for your loss.
    Your sister trusted a doctor (like we are supposed to) and took what was prescribed.
    Many people make this mistake.
    Psychiatric Drugs that psychiatry and GP’s prescribe can go either way, drugs might help or harm the patient.
    This makes psych drugs not a science, and not medicine, in my opinion.

    Yes , the survivors should unite to put better restraint (LAWS) on the multi-billion dollar a year pharmaceutical companies that peddle mind altering drugs as medicines.

  45. Hello, Lisa~

    Thank you for contacting Citizens Against Homicide regarding the story of your beloved sister’s tragic journey. Your words were heart wrenching and, I am sure, must have been extremely difficult for you to express. However, the truth about this drug, IMIPRAMINE (TOFRANIL) needed to be told. Lori’s story will, no doubt, hit the core of so many experiencing signs of stress/depression and wondering where to turn or what medications are safe to take.
    Thank you, Lisa, for stepping forward to ensure that another family does not have to suffer such a senseless, tragic loss due to the effects of an irresponsibly prescribed drug.

    Victim Advocate

  46. I can’t imagine what you have gone through over the years but hope that your
    recent discovery helps you, and from the looks of it it has certainly helped
    others. I truly believe there is a reason for things happening, and in this
    case I believe your sister sacrificed to help many others. It sounds like she
    was that type of person.

  47. I Am saddened by our Communities giving patients antidepressant drugs without truly monitoring patients. I understand completely what this family has grieved for. Ii myself, have experienced similar situations and believe me it feels like you are hopeless as witness a daughter and a boyfriend going through this same experience. Luckily, my daughter is still alive. I pray everyday she continues to be alive. The fear of not knowing and knowing all too well society and life all I have is prayer for her. My boyfriend was not so lucky as he also shot himself ion the head. Both, my daughter and my boyfriend had experienced this rocking and talking uncontrollably. Please our medical professionals need to re-access the drugs given to patients and monitor very close. We need to stop our society from suicides. This is preventable. Please listen to our stories and I pray that you do not ever have to go through what we have went through living through suicide.

  48. Jodee Borgerding, Ohio
    I had been put on many (over 40) different anti-depressant drugs do to depression. For 25 yrs. It would take 4-6 weeks to work, by then I was completely suicidal and had to be hospitalized! On each and every type I took! They say this only occurs in young adults, I disagree completely! I am “living” proof as an OLDER adult that they are BAD medicine. Dr. FINALLY put on my chart that I could not take them (after 25 yrs. of trying different things and many hospitalizations). I honestly believe that they are created to do exactly what they do do. MAKE people take thier life. Not one kind EVER helped me, only caused tremdous problems mentally and financially. It puts thousands of dollars in the pockets of Big Pharmacy and the DRs. who no longer practice with ETHICS. Its to line their wallets, no matter what the cost. Even your LIFE. Thank God I found a DR. who seen this and cared enough to put me on a completely different med. that has helped tremndously (after searching for 25 yrs). They tried to put my neice on one and I had to step in. She is now doing great with her family Dr. and the meds. he gives her, which, by the way, are NOT anti-depressants. Lives a completely normal life and did NOT while trying all of the anti-depressants they were feeding her. Seen it happen too many times. Its a gamble with your life that they are taking.

  49. I am SO tired of seeing commercials on TV pushing antidepressant drugs. How can people be so stupid as to IGNORE the warnings about sexual dysfunction, violence, and suicides apparently being caused by them? Not only that, but mothers and their babies are being “treated” with these toxic drugs with very sad results. Psychiatric drugs ruin lives.

  50. Thank you for sharing. My son was put n this drug as a young teen-ager in the ’90s. It effectively ruined both of our lives. Thank the Lord he didn’t die. He complained of feeling like he was in pea-soup and couldn’t get out of bed. He just refused to take it any longer. He went through what I now know is withdrawal syndrome. At the time it was so unmanageable I (again) listened to the shrink and put him in an institution. What a nightmare. It is small wonder he doesn’t even speak to me anylonger. It just amazes me that with the internet superhighway (which I didn’t have then) people are still succumbing tot he comfort of a shrink and having their lives destroyed and wondering WHY? Thank you Lisa. And God Bless Ann Blake-Tracy.

  51. Lisa I can hear your pain I can feel your cries inside I can sense the agony you hide I know your loss is deep and wide I know you rage and tear and cannot abide all these people millions and score being misdiagnosed and drugged–yes the statistics SOAR–as many turn to homicide, suicide, and more-I know you long to even the score and save many others from going through this revolving Hell Door-I pray for you and all the rest whose palpable pain leaves nothing to jest that you find peace and justice too and that others are saved from what these vile drugs do. –Peace and Love, csm.

  52. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a hard thing for you to deal with as a young child. Your story is very touching and will help others. The story also shows how strong and caring you are. Your sister would be proud.


  53. Dear Lisa,
    Words can’t express how you must have felt – I am so sorry for your loss. I lost me older sister when she was 22 and I was 17, she had overdosed on ‘pinks’ – we will never know if she meant to or not. I have a twin sister too and I am blessed that she is still with me. She is diagnosed with bipolar nervous disorder, but the truth is that all the EST she had and all the different drugs she was on was because they did not know the real reason so decided to experiment on her. I am just so thankful I have her with me and through the grace of God, her health is okay.
    My thoughts are with you,
    Always – Nikki

  54. Over here in England we still do not have a legal duty on our medics to tell us the truth Lisa. I have read your story. What many medical professionals do not understand is that not knowing is far worse, being lied to about proceudures going wrong or drug errors does not help at all. It makes things far worse. So many things in your head make no sense – your entire world is gone. I feel for you and your father. To be 13 years old and be faced with this is terrible.
    Keep well

  55. Jennu

    “I am so sorry that you as a young girl had to see your sister pass that way I
    only pray for you to God that you can come to some kind of closer but what I
    heard I will never forget I hope you do write your book not only for your
    beautiful sister whoes death was due to yet a nother Dr. who should have never
    been able to be a Dr. but for you Lisa so you can get some kind of closer love
    always Jennu”

  56. Ronda July 7, 2010 at 11:04pm

    You should feel proud of what you are doing….I reposted your story on my facebook and asked everyone to repost, too. It is sooo sad that it took so long to have some answers. I know that doesn’t change the outcome for you but it might for so many others. Keep the faith my friend…..unfortunately things do happen for a reason and some day my hope for you is that you know that reason. I will say a prayer for you tonight.


  57. Author: Christa

    Thank you for contacting me, commenting on the post and forwarding the video.
    Coming from someone who was medicated for years, I am also convinced many of the
    medications I was prescribed led to suicidal thoughts and tendencies.

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister, Lori, to suicide. I commend
    your determination to honor her memory and raise awareness about the dangers
    surrounding RX drugs, children and violence.

    With their losses (your sister and my friends) we learn, we grow and most
    importantly, we learn to live the best lives we can, lives filled with laughter.

  58. Dear Lisa,

    I, too, have read your story. I think it does an excellent job of recreating the horrors of living with someone on an SSRI. It is because of these kinds of stories and this kind of information that I have held so very firmly to no one forcing an SSRI on my son. I have benefited from you, people like you, and the work of Ann Blake-Tracy whose voice was the first I heard on the dangers of these drugs.

    I would like for people to know that in my son’s entire 20 years of life, I have not had one person in our physical lives that has supported my resistance to these drugs even though I have shared the horrors that I have learned about them. Against my will, the police put my son in a psychiatric ward several years ago. I was threatened with child abuse if I did not allow them to drug my son even though again I pointed out the dangers of these drugs. Finally they said to me, “If you will not allow us to treat your son, then we must release him.” Well, finally! I didn’t want them to “treat” him anyway!!! What happened to that oath these doctors take about first doing no harm?

    Years upon years ago, back in the mid 1970’s, I was given valium for a back problem. Within days I found myself with suicidal thoughts. Since this was unusual for me, I went looking for the side effects of this drug. There it was — could cause suicidal feelings. I stopped the valium immediately and told the doctor. He didn’t seem bothered or concerned at all.

    I’m not sure what has happened with those we should be able to trust with our health, but nowadays if you do that, you may live, if you are lucky, to regret it.

    My heart goes out to all those who have suffered as a result of this.

    Blessings upon us all.

  59. I can relate to your story. I too became suicidal after using an anti-depressant. At the time all the doctor said was oh oh, we’ve let out a can of worms. When I asked what he meant, he said oh, just that. Now I know that medication ( I don’t remember the name of it) made my depression worse. I signed your petition and hope you can find peace at knowing you are doing all you can to make things right about your sisters death if that is possible.

  60. Lisa:

    I am so sorry for your loss. No one should have to live the nightmare that you and your family have lived. I am so grateful for Ann Blake Tracy and her passion to bring these horrible drugs to the public attention.

    I’m glad you have found this information and hope it gives you some sense of closure. Your sister was exactly the person you always thought she was. She wasn’t crazy and she didn’t make a conscious choice to end her life.

    I have an uncle who was given antidepressants after his wife of 49 years passed away. Luckily I had Ann’s information prior to that time and got him off the drugs very quickly. He was already having suicidal dreams and horrible bloody nightmares.

    Keep up the great work of spreading the word about these abominable drugs. Perhaps you can help save other families from suffering as yours has.

    Live with passion and purpose (as your sister would have wanted),

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