Effexor Withdrawal Syndrome Hell
I want my doctor to go on Effexor for a few months. Then I want him withdrawn.
I want my doctor to go on Effexor for a few months. Then I want him withdrawn.
Gage Stevens might have taken his first steps that bleak morning in November
1999. And by his first birthday, he would probably have outgrown his one
persistent ailment – acid reflux. Instead, he lay in the Allegheny County,
Pa., morgue.
TWO city research institutions will extend their tentacles into our
communities today, looking for hundreds of kids, some as young as 3, to use
as guinea pigs.
The experiments, to determine the safety and efficacy of Ritalin in
preschoolers, have advocates up in arms – they think researchers are playing
fast and loose with the brains of children.
The honest commercial would show an overweight woman with
globs of hair falling out, who could barely catch her breath due
to the severe fatigue of the post drug period along with the
involuntary muscle jerking and jumping from the electrical
shocks running through her body. She would also be suffering
the severe panic and anxiety attacks that come with withdrawal
as she then drags herself back to the Prozac bottle!