Today is supposedly World Bipolar Day. I propose that minus antidepressants we would never have seen a World Bipolar Day because NOTHING has caused more cases of Bipolar than antidepressants. Initially when the SSRI antidepressants were introduced many psychiatrists refused to prescribe Prozac or drugs like it due to their strong potential of inducing a manic psychosis. Prozac or drugs which work on the same principle as Prozac — Zoloft, Luvox, Paxil, Celexa etc., are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and are designed to inhibit the metabolism of serotonin, thereby increasing levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain and throughout the body. Yet what so few are aware of is that the psychedelic drugs (PCP also known as Angel Dust and LSD) actually mimic serotonin in order to produce hallucinations. So as the level of serotonin increases in the system no one should be surprised to learn that they begin to suffer hallucinations and psychosis.

For example in the June 1999 edition of Clinical Psychiatry News, Dr. Malcolm Bowers, a psychiatrist at Yale had found that physicians are not paying enough attention to patient factors that could make treatment with SSRIs dangerous. He found that, “SSRI induced psychosis has accounted for eight percent of all hospital psychiatric admissions over a 14-month period…What is surprising is that this particular group of side effects is really underplayed.” That comes out to about a quarter of a million people in the late 90’s per year were being chemically induced into a Bipolar psychosis. He then said that the large majority were being undetected as antidepressant-induced psychosis and were mistakingly continued on the offending medications, meaning the drugs were being allowed to continue to exacerbate the Bipolar condition. I recall a case I worked on in the mid 90’s where a patient sued Eli Lilly for causing his Bipolar which cost him his entire inheritance. Dr. Fred Goodwin, so well known for his large text written on Bipolar Disorder testified in his behalf that this was Prozac-induced and he won his case against them.

But Dr. Bowers study was done close to two decades ago. But with the extremely widespread use of these drugs since that time it seems everyone now knows someone who has a diagnosis of Bipolar when before the introduction of the first SSRI, Prozac most of us had never heard of someone who was Bipolar or Manic-Depressive as it was once called.

Here I am discussing that and its impact upon society in the 2006 FDA hearing on antidepressants when the Black Box Warnings were increased to the age group of anyone under the age of 25:

The full transcript of this testimony before the FDA Advisory Committee in December of 2006 can be found here: http://www.drugawareness.org/fda-testimony/dr-ann-blake-tracys-december-13-2006-to-the-fda

Bipolar is Actually a Sleep/Seizure Disorder

I also have a DVD on Bipolar explaining the evidence behind it being a Sleep/Seizure Disorder and detailing how antidepressants cause this Bipolar reaction to antidepressants. The cost is $4.95 and can be watched online. It also explains how there are natural ways to reverse this Bipolar reaction. That can be found here: https://store.drugawareness.org/product/bipolar-disorder-streaming/

Facebook Group – Antidepressant-Induced Bipolar and Schizophrenia

We also have a Facebook group addressing this issue and acting as a support to those going through this reaction plus helping others to understand how easily this can happen especially during abrupt changes in dose of an antidepressant. That group can be found at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1605446559734283/?ref=br_rs

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