Phyllis Sues
Can you believe these pics are her at age 90/!!!
Since today is my birthday, and I am NOT admitting to being anywhere near 90, but I wanted to post this because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS WOMAN’S ATTITUDE AND OUTLOOK ON LIFE! We clearly think very much alike.
Age is something I have rarely paid much attention to in myself or anyone else. I am terrible at estimating someone’s age and have refused to admit mine for so many years that my children did not know how old I was until my sister finally blabbed it to them one day when they were about 9 or 10. (Thanks Patty! I still really appreciate that! NOT!) You see I have always been so much like my paternal grandmother and she lied about her age her whole life, to the extent not even she knew how old she was when she died. 🙂 So I blame it all on my Grandma Rita.
Now back to Phyllis Sue…she says, “Life in itself is a challenge and you can either, accept it and take action, or you can sit and do nothing. My advice is there is only one winner: accept the challenge, take action and get on with your life no matter what age.
“I’m not aware of being 90. I’m aware of feeling physically as good as I have ever felt and mentally even better. I practice dance and workout every day. This body has to know who’s boss and being 90 and feeling 20 is as good as it gets! People ask me all the time what’s my secret. I tell them move, learn and listen.
“The reward is a healthy body and mind. I’m totally selfish in that me and my body and mind are one. We are partners and we work play and live as one. So if that is so, we can’t sit around and think about tomorrow. Our body and mind has to be trained from the first breath, otherwise it’s down hill all the way. Numbers and dwelling on age is a trap. There is no age, it’s living each moment to it’s fullest.
“I started my own fashion label at 50, became a musician and learned Italian and French in my 70s, took tango and trapeze at 80 and walked into my first yoga class at 85. So, if you think you’re old, think again!
“What inspires me is the process of learning. Inspiration creates…Click link below to continue reading….